Friday, May 26, 2023

Mutoha Blog Revival

 Yasushi Sato vs. Kenichiro Arai, Mutoha 3/11/2020

Surprise surprise, another very good Yasushi Sato match. Loved the cagey technical action early on. Then we got the usual dose of cool Sato amateur spots, such as an awesome Honda-like double arm suplex into a chokehold, as well as great struggle over Satos finishing hold and a reckless Russian Leg Sweep that left Arai in shambles. Arai was hardly a mat genius but he does his sneaky technically scuzzy heel act very well. I dug how Arai early on worked some neck cranks on Sato after Sato tried to fuck with him. Loved the little punch Arai threw at Satos face and the cool Figure 4 work. Fun finish.

Chon Shiryu & Hiroshi Watanabe vs. Hideya Iso & Osamu Namiguchi, Mutoha 3/11/2020

Fun tag with the old guys looking good as usual doing nifty technical old school work. Shiryu was a lot of fun too, he dialed down the kung fu spots a bit, although when he did kung fu stuff it suited the match and made a cool contrast to the other guys more traditional approach. His grappling and technical work is a lot of fun too and at one point he spin kicked Namiguchi in the face really hard. Namiguchi was okay but didn’t do anything brilliant and you really gotta bring a little more in Mutoha. Watanabe and Iso did their thing and it was cool as always, and Iso even got to pick up a win! We love Iso.

2025 Wrestling Week 8

 Senka Akatsuki vs Ai Houzan, Marvelous 1/12 This was really unique and cool. Basically picture a basic joshi match, but make it insanely un...