Saturday, December 19, 2020

Assorted Japanese Indy Wrestling for if you have 20 minute to spare

Takeshi Miyamoto vs. Masahiro Tsukuda, Go Gundan 1/16/1996

These two guys were from a mysterious martial arts gym/indy company called CMA. They had a few appearance on mid 90s sleaze indies and this is probably their masterpiece as they potatoe the living daylights out of each other in front of a bewildered Korakuen Hall crowd. Miyamoto is the guy in the green karate pants while Tsukuda has the boxing gloves. Whole thing felt like a fight to the death in every second. Can't tell which was my favourite moment, the punch to the back of the head from the top or Miyamotos insane internal organ rearranging comeback combo. Truely a life changing 4 minutes.


Black Cat vs. Masanobu Kurisu, WKA Memorial 7/7/1992

Only a 6 minute match where the ref blows the finish, but I'd still say this is must watch due to a sick bladejob and it's basically two big bellied stocky guys slapping the shit out of eachother. There really needs to be more Black Cat footage as his strap drop and punch comeback was quite epic. Kurisus chair shots, headbutts, punches etc. are up there with the most violent in history. Kurisu making his way to the ropes doing pushups while in the Scorpion Hold looked rough for a semi in shape middle aged guy.

Jason The Terrible vs. Crypt Keeper, W*ING 7/7/1993

This is a casket match. If you can't enjoy two movie monsters walloping the shit out of each other and bleeding in Korakuen Hall I guess you should just quit pro wrestling entirely. Crypt Keeper is great here just beating the everloving shit out of Jason with punch combos, boots to the head, kendo shots to the face etc, whole deal. It was a truely awesome one sided beating. The fancam view is also great as the guy catches almost all the outside brawling and you see these masked killer rummaging around the stages of Korakuen like it's a found footage movie. Jason has a few amusing comebacks and bleeds a ton while taking a major beating, somehow I really dig his "I'm indestructible" shit, and Keeper just kept beating on him harder and harder. Crypt Keeper also keeps doing a "crazy laughter". Very very inspiring material.

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