Monday, December 28, 2020

RIP Brodie Lee

 Brodie Lee vs. Greg Excellent (CZW 5/10/2008)

This was a hardcore match between two burly truck driver looking dudes which is kind of the best type of indy hardcore match. Brodie takes a nasty bump on the floor to start but comes back looking like such a violent asskicker, really pasting Excellent with open hand strikes and elbows and driving massive boots in his face. Excellent is a fat guy who is willing to bleed, get head trauma and bump hard into plunder and a really fun match up for Brodie. The finish has Excellent hitting a big piledriver on Cheech only to get a boot loaded with barbedwire in the face from Brodie which is a finish to match.

Brodie Lee vs. Sugar Dunkerton (Chikara 2/19/2011)

Really good match built around two guys wailing on each other, Brodie was born in the wrong timeline, he would’ve been great as a foreigner tearing dudes up on a WAR card. Brodie had injured Sugar on a previous show so Sugar was fired up and showing a real mean streak, and Brodie is great as a sadistic redneck further beating on his taped up ribs and kidneys. Dunkerton does some fun legwork which Brodie sells in a really good way and there are some awesome punch exchanges down the stretch plus a smart finish.

Brodie Lee & Cheech & Cloudy vs. Jimmy Olsen & Dunn & Marcos (CZW 6/14/2008)

Lee, Cheech and Cloudy had formed a team at the time dubbing themselves the Ultraviolence Connection. I enjoy all the little dudes in this match and I would’ve had fun if it was just Cheech & Cloudy vs. Ringcrew Express, but Brodie adds something entirely different. He is so awesome here just walloping the little guys and also stooging for their offense. He was basically a wifebeater wearing Taue in this match, whenever Cheech or Cloudy got in too much trouble, Lee would run in and punch someone in the face or boot someones head off. The finish is doing a chokeslam double team with Cheech before sending Marcos skywards and planting him with a massive powerbomb. Really tells the story of what Brodie Lee brought to the table to this late 2000s indy scene, there were a bunch of little dudes flip flopping around, and then there was Lee dishing out big strikes and bombs.

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