Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Exploring the YouTube Channel of ISAMI Part 2


GAJO & TB vs. ISAMI & Akira Tei(?), ?? 10/28/2018

I am pretty sure TB is Takahiro Tababa, but he is even announced as “TB”. ISAMI was rocking a karate gi and MMA gloves look. This may have been the best ISAMI has looked, as he was punching and kicking people hard. Entertaining match where everyone beats on each other hard, especially liked all the exchanges between ISAMI and TB. Akira Something is an ultra scummy looking dude who doesn’t do martial arts stuff but is able to work a no nonsense match working over GAJOs leg. I thought it was gonna build to another hot tag but instead Akira went to town with a chair and got a surprise tap via kneebar leading to a post match pull apart with a bunch of ISAMIs karate gi wearing seconds jumping into the fray. That kind of stuff is among my favourite things about Japanese wrestling and it’s good to see that at least one low level indy somewhere is still doing pull aparts with gi wearing dudes jumping on eachother.

ISAMI & Tatsuhiko Nakagawa vs. MAX Yoshida & Mitsuyoshi Nakai, ??, ?/?/??

Lord help me, there’s not even a date for this. It’s probably the best match of these so far, though. This was two guys in karate gis vs two guys in kickpads and MMA gloves, kicking and punching each other hard. Clearly Nakai and Yoshida didn’t think much of their opponents early and were taunting them. This lead to Nakagawa blowing a gasked, clocking Yoshida with a chair, bloodying him and then trying to hang him with his karate belt in a crazy ending. Really liked MAX Yoshida here, just a dickish looking dude swinging punches, he felt like he would make a decent Goro Tsurumi level Kazunari Murakami stand in. Just give me more stiff brawls with crazy endings like these.

Yuki Ishikawa & Zeronosu vs. ISAMI & Tatsuhiko Nakagawa, ?? 9/23/2018

It’s Yuki Ishikawa teaming up with a tubby masked guy against two karatekas in a small Japanese community theater hall, what a legend. This was alll about Ishikawas grappling with ISAMI and Nakagawa occasionally teeing off on him with kicks. Zeronosu wasn’t in the match much but did decent when he was in. Great moment where Ishikawa put a gi choke on ISAMI and he sold it like he was really getting strangled to death. Cool finish where Ishikawa was getting pulverized 2 on 1 by karate kicks only for him to catch another blow and lock in the Octopus Hold for the tap.

ISAMI vs. Katsuhiko Ogasawara, ?, ?/?/??

Katsuhiko Ogasawara, baby. He was pretty old in Zero1, so for him to be still going 15 years later is pretty legendary. He still has good form on all his high kicks and hits hard. This was just a short exhibition of two guys tagging eachother with punches and kicks but I liked it. Dug all the karate punch combos to the upper body especially Ogaswaras nasty sternum punch that left ISAMI gasping.

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