Sunday, February 21, 2021



Tortuga vs. Yuji Kito

 Kito debuts with the Yuki Ishikawa wrestling shoes and white socks look. This was decent and mostly the turtle doing his thing. Tortuga hit some nice kicks. The referee also continues to amuse by doing a Tiger Feint Kick and a very pretty flying headscissor.

Emi Motokawa vs. Sachie Nishibori

Motokawa gives Nishibori the business with stiff dropkicks and thrust kicks. This was clipped down and made to look pretty much like a Motokawa squash although Nishibori hits one smooth rana.

The Great Takeru & Akinori Tsukioka vs. Masao Orihara & Hidetomo Egawa 

Another clipped match mostly narrowing it down to their highspots. These guys have cool highspots though, especially enjoy Tsukiokas Cancun Tornado. The best spot was Tsukioka going for a diving headbutt only to land face first on Oriharas outstretched legs. Egawa always looks impressive in these matches for a guy with very little experience.

Benkei Daikokubo & Katsumi Hirano vs. Takeshi Sato & Kamikaze

This was clipped down to almost nothing and I'm completely fine with that. Benkei  and Hirano blow.

Leatherface vs. Freddy Krueger

Freddy Krueger debuts, along with the mysterious whip-carrying lady! They engage in some baffling scientific wrestling to start with Leatherface hitting a Dragon Screw on Freddy. This doesn't last long as the match is taken to outside the ring with some rather standard brawling before Krueger wins the match in rather bafflingly easy fashion. Well, this wasn't exactly an epic clash of legendary horror monsters.

The Great Kabuki & Tommy Rich & Terry Gordy vs. Kodo Fuyuki & Jado & Gedo

I would have liked to see more of this. The Kabuki/Rich/Gordy team is super lumpy and old, but Rich still looks spry here. He throws some nice punches, bleeds big and even flings himself over the top rope. He was also wearing these really amazing colorful tights. The only thing we saw Gordy do in this was hit a stiff lariat. And Fuyuki Gun is Fuyuki Gun. They really brought in these guys just to clip the match down to 4 minutes!?

Keizo Matsuda vs. Keisuke Yamada 

Bit of a weird choice for a main event, but these guys were payrolling everyone else, so I guess they get to play big time. Matsuda is questionable but Yamada is really good, and this had some nice stiff exchanges and big bumps for a couple green guys. Matsuda wins with an avalanche spinebuster and that kind of rules, although it seemed Yamada was shoot KO'd taking the bump. The audience was certainly baffled with this being over after a mere 8 minutes.

They also showed highlights of the following on this TV episode:


Keisuke Yamada & Akinori Tsukioka vs. Masao Orihara & Hidetomo Egawa
Leatherface & Freddy Krueger vs. Benkei Daikokubo & Katsumi Hirano
The Great Kabuki & Keizo Matsuda & The Great Takeru vs. Kodo Fuyuki & Jado & Gedo


Keisuke Yamada vs. Yuji Kito

Emi Motokawa vs. Sachie Nishibori

Benkei Daikokubo vs. Dr. Luther

The Great Kabuki & Keizo Matsuda vs. Kodo Fuyuki & Gedo 

These were mostly wayyy to clipped down to assess, although Fuyuki Gun once again looked very good in their matches with all their cool cut off spots. Great Takeru blew stuff even in the clips.


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