Monday, February 1, 2021

Koki Kitahara Documentation #5

 Koki Kitahara & Shinichi Nakano vs. Yoshiaki Fujiwara & Ishinriki, SWS 4/18/1992 - GREAT

SWS style tag with Fujiwara thrown in the mix. So you have tubby juniors exchanging brutal spin kicks and lariats at a fast pace and Fujiwara throwing in some lightning fast counters and hitting the mat. The 3 young guys are really good and Fujiwaras presence adds just what this kind of undercard match needs. Ishinriki is a former sumo who works like a junior and junior who used to be a sumo is much better than junior who used to be a gymnast. He hits some big dive and also nice palm rushes and lariats. Kitahara and Nakano look good hitting the mat with Fujiwara. Highlights include Fujiwara hitting a huge Bas Rutten style body punch for a near KO aswell as trading some brutal battering ram headbutts with Nakano. Fujiwara fits really well with these energetic dudes. Apparently this match got **** from Meltzer proving he had some taste at one point. It has a few big moves and nearfalls too. 

 Koki Kitahara vs. Shinichi Nakano, WAR 5/26/1996 - GREAT

 These two are like the ultimate pair of 90s outlaw sleazebags, so I'm pretty salty about this being clipped. Still, we get a quite great pissed off 6 minute match here. Nakano comes in with a bandaged shoulder and Kitahara is such a spectacular asshole just tearing him up. Really kicking the piss out of him with stomps and kicks that don't feel held back at all. Nakanos selling is great and when he comes back he comes back like a house of fire throwing the greatest punches you've ever seen, maybe because he was trying to punch Kitaharas jaw out legit (a Shinichi Nakano documentation project may be in order). Gritty, simplistic finishing sequence built around Kitahara catching Nakano in nastier and nastier submissions. This was the stuff.

Koki Kitahara vs. Akitoshi Saito, NJPW 2/5/1993 - GREAT

You look at this match up and you go „Well, these are two guys who are not afraid to kick somebody in the face“. And that's what happens in this match. It's also NJPW vs. WAR (or Seishinkaikan vs. WAR?), so it had the kinda heat those matches have. These guys were just crushing eachother, Saito was hitting some really devastating mid kicks aswell as knees to face, and Kitahara in return kicked him in his face and bald head a bunch. Kitahara pouncing on Saito with mount punches, leaving Saito to come out with a big red spot of blood on his bald head is something that only happens in 93. The referee blew the finish a little on this one but for two mean asskickers stepping up and kicking the shit out of eachother this delivered.

Koki Kitahara vs. Tatsuo Nakano, UWFi 5/27/1996 - GREAT

Pudgy mulleted japanese dudes beat the fuck out of each other for your entertainment. Tatsuo Nakano is just the master of this kind of brutal under 10 minutes brawl, and Kitahara is Kitahara. Starts out with a pretty intense scramble to the outside. Nakano of course gets a bloody nose, hard to see where, so he gets up and fucking breaks Kitaharas nose with a knee of his own. I was surprised he may have out-stiffed Kitahara in this one. Kitahara does throw one absolutely disgusting leg kick though which Nakano sold accordingly great. Short and intense but you already knew that.


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