Saturday, March 27, 2021

Assorted Japanese Indy Wrestling


Yujiro Yamamoto vs. KATSUO, Dounan Pro Wrestling(?) 3/31/2019

These two had a very good main event in Yamamotos BATTLE And ARTS promotion, so I was delighted to find another match between the two! The BAP match was a match built around Katsuo being a monster and demolishing Yamamoto. This was about Yamamoto picking apart Katsuo with shoot strikes and nasty arm stretches and Katsuo being a tough guy absorbing punishment and firing back with KO worthy potatoe lariats and headbutts of his own. One thing was constant: these two potatoed the daylights out of each other. Yamamoto is quite the offensive tank combining cool arm submissions with a variety of kicks, knees, elbows and open hand strikes. He even mixes in a cool Kido Clutch at one point. And Katsuo is really solid in his role. Fun fun match.

Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs. Kyosuke Sasaki, Kyushu Pro 12/2016

For a 66 year old man, Fujiwara could still go. This match blows a lot of shootstyle attempts between younger guys away. Fun beginning with guys shoving each other to the ropes and trading stiff cheapshots, and then we a get a bunch of really good matwork. Fujiwara was stretching the hell out of Sasaki and doing some nasty as hell ankle grinding. There was also a great leg lock exchange. Sasaki is really cool here, not holding back with the kicks, and doing things like going for a Gotch style piledriver on the old man. Great finish where Fujiwara baits Sasaki into finally throwing a hand and catching him.

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