Saturday, March 20, 2021

Going through Shodates Best Matches of the 90s List Part 2

The List

33. Volk Han vs. Gennady Gigant (RINGS 3/5/1992)

The 33th best match of the 90s as told by Shotaro of Date. With a name like Gennady Gigant you expect this to be some Raja Lion freakshow, but he is just a slightly bigger version of your kickpadded russian shooter. I wouldn't call him a Giant as he seems slightly less than Maeda sized but you can't not watch Han vs. A Giant. Volk Han is like Marcelo Garcia in this making short work of a bigger more massive dude. Gigant gets to have his moments, such as bodyslamming Han around or powering out of an armbar. But largely the point here is that even if you are a giant, you are not safe from HAN. Really the Han show, and that is something I tend to enjoy. Han wristlocking a poor fellow really never gets old. At this point it begs the question whether Volk ever had a bad match in his whole career.

34. Volk Han vs. Akira Maeda (4/3/1992)

This was #34 on our majesty Shoda T's list of the greatest matches of the 90s. And well that feels like a slight underestimation as this is really pretty great. This is how you do clash of the titans. I think it's weird Maedas RINGS work doesn't get brought up near as strongly as his 80s stuff... surely people would want to analyze and nitpick in depth? I thought he was just a great ace here. He would prevent most of Hans submission attempts and show he's the boss, but slowly came crashing down with his vulnerability. Han wasn't super dominant early on as he can't ragdoll Maeda around, but he can always pull off some freak move. And the points keep running out, with the formerly so confident Maeda getting some unexpected downs... then it seems he can finally take the russian down only to fall right into his trap. Matwork was very good, and the story of the match was wonderfully executed. Great match.

29. Volk Han vs. Grom Zaza (RINGS 5/16/1992)

This was #29 on our man Sheau D'Ahatays list of the greatest matches of the 90s. And this was really fun because Zaza is using mostly amateur wrestling, so against Volk Hans sambo you had a neat dynamic. Zaza hits all these awesome throws and works half nelsons and it rules. Han retaliates by almost knocking him out twice. This had that feel a lot of Volk Han matches have where the result feels inevitable but it was edge of your seat stuff the whole way through, and nice to see Volk against someone who puts up a little more resistance than the japanese guys and even puts him through the wringer a little.

30. Volk Han vs. Mitsuya Nagai (RINGS 4/24/1993)

CRAZY CRAZY HOT SHOOTSTYLE SPECTACLE!!! Nagai makes one (1) desperate rush at Han right at the start and immediately gets his legs tangled up. Han proceeds to envelope Nagai in one ridiculous hold after another while Nagai is running for the ropes like a choir boy. When Nagai is able to grab a basic headlock or half crab the crowd explodes like he just cured cancer. Han mostly slips underneath for weird takeovers into leglocks but eventually just lets Nagai take him down and then picks a kimura which was like taking candy from a children. No real „exchanges“ in this match but it's pretty much Hans formula match.

5. Volk Han vs. Andrei Kopilov (RINGS 11/16/1995)

The 5th best match of the 90s according to the one and only Show Da Tay. Battle of the Sambo maestros. Kopilov is just the right amount of clumsy to be really awesome here. Watching him refuse to be utterly dominated like everyone else was great. I love the maudlin look he has anytime Han makes the ropes. This really feels like Kopilov can beat Han and there are some incredible escapes and holds down the stretch. Superb finish. This was slower and less athletic then your highly rated RINGS bouts but I didn't mind at all.

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