Sunday, March 14, 2021

Tarzan Goto Documentation Project #1

 Tarzan Goto & Ryo Miyake vs. Masayoshi Motegi & Shinichi Nakano, WYF  7/16/1997 - EPIC

This delivers the promise of an IWA Japan vs. Yume Factory match. Picture 4 sleazy heavyweights potatoeing the shit out of eachother, add a ton of blood and you have this match. You know it's an awesome match! Tarzan Goto is one of the most mean wreckingball wrestler dudes ever, and this match really showcases him both doing some cool actual wrestling, and fucking dudes up in really graphic ways. Motegi is very lovable as this legendary sad sack who tries really hard, and he takes a monster beating from the IWA guys, getting waffled with chairs, punched and bloodied and he fires right back with full force hits. Miyake is perfectly fine as a disdainful shitbag kneedropping and stomping dudes in their bloody face. Nakano fits perfectly in this kind of savage potatoefest as a hot tag with his eardrum shattering slaps and enzuigiris and awesome powerslam, also he comes in with a bandage over his eye resulting in some gross spots where he gets hit in the eye with chairs and headbutts that would make Terry Funk cringe. Finish was not as epic as the body of the match but kind of worked as a payoff. This pretty much ruled.


Tarzan Goto vs. Yoji Anjoh, Rikidozan Memorial 3/11/2000 - GREAT

 Wonderful match which delivers in spades what you want from these two in terms of sleazy shootstyle vs. sleazy garbage brawling sections. Anjoh is off the charts here working his shtick and Goto is a great contrast stoically punching and lariating the shit out of him.  There is some cool wrestling going on too with Anjoh using submissions to neutralize Goto, and Goto doing some cool wrestling himself such as stonewalling Anjohs attempts at submissions and takedowns. But in the end, you wanna watch both these guys bleed and waffle the shit out of each other and that's what happens.


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