Friday, April 23, 2021

Assorted Lucha

Gran Apache & El Mestizo vs. Escudero Rojo & Reyes Veloz (CMLL 9/12/1993)

It‘s a double hair match, baby! And this was pretty great. We move straight to brawling with the rudos Escudero Rojo and Reyes Veloz lazing into the technicos with cool big boots and clotheslines. Gran Apache looks great here, throwing his awesome punches and flying, and there was one absolutely ridiculous base spot from the rudos where Veloz (?) sprinted into the ring and halfway across to catch an Apache moonsault. Fun layout here with the technicos turning the 1st fall around but getting DQ‘d in the second due to not being able to hold back their hatred for their foes. It builds to an inferno of a 3rd caida where Apache and Mestizo bleed like hell and the rudos make several edge-of-your-seat comebacks. It comes down to Apache vs. Escudero and it‘s everything you want from a hair match with Apache throwing out huge dives, both guys going splat hard on missed flying moves and some big nearfalls. Apaches selling after the tope rope dropkick was epic and so was Escudero Rojo desperately trying to get away.

Blue Panther vs. Dos Caras, AWS 9/25/2004

I had no idea this match ever happened, let alone at a random US indy show. Of course, these guys are way too proud to dog it in such a setting. This was quite the clinic. Both guys did it all. Dos Caras was pretty old here, but he had no problem going hard. It made me wonder what else he was doing during this time period. The crowd responding nicely to this kind of maestros match was cool. Dos Caras is a different weight class, but the match wasn‘t affected. Really good stuff, exactly as good as it looks on paper.

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