Saturday, April 3, 2021

Koki Kitahara Documentation Project #8

 Koki Kitahara vs. Koji Kitao, Kitao Pro 1/21/1994 - GREAT

Kitao Pro was this unique fed that was stylized like a martial arts movie tournament with matches usually going no longer than 5 minutes, and Koji Kitao would always destroy all comers quickly. It's quintessential weird 90s shootstyle crap. For some reason Kitao liked Kitahara enough to always give him some offense, and this was a really fun 4 minutes of tubby martial artists pummeling each other with Kitao even taking one of the craziest bumps I've ever seen as he gets dropped on his head by a Kitahara suplex. He 

Koki Kitahara vs. 150% Machine, UWFi 6/26/1996 - FUN

Supposedly 150% Machine is KAMIKAZE, but he looks to skinny for that. I read somewhere that this match turned into a shoot. I have no idea if that is the case, because Kitahara always works so stiff and like such an uncooperative dick that you really can’t tell. Here, after smothering Machine on the mat a bit, apparently he didn’t like Machines lack of technical skill, so Kitahara decides to just blast him with kicks to the face from left and right. Machine fights back a little and is actually able to clock Kitahara with some good looking high kicks, but Kitahara always pulls himself back up and goes back to trashing the poor guy. The finish is just about the nastiest open hand blow in wrestling history.

Koki Kitahara & Lance Storm & Nobutaka Araya vs Koji Kitao & Nobukazu Hirai & Tommy Dreamer, WAR 6/7/1997 - FUN

Well, this is about as random a WAR matchup as they can get, huh? And this was a pretty fun match. Everyone brought their stuff to the match. So you had Kitao and Kitahara stiffing each other, Araya and Hirai working stiff tubby guy exchanges, Dreamer bringing weapons into the mix, and Lance Storm having his rat tail. I am amused that Kitahara continues to be one of the few people Kitao will bump and sell for (minimally, mind you) and he and Storm even get to take Kitao out with a double team move. The ending is just Kitahara kicking Hirai in the face and Hirai eating a nasty doomsday device and that’s about all you can ask for.



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