Monday, April 19, 2021

GWE Watching #1: Jaguar Yokota


Jaguar Yokota & Yoko Kosugi vs. Lioness Asuka & The Bloody, JD‘ 2/2/1998

Joshi companies were on a roll with bloody, heated tags in the late 90s. This was, like so many of these great matches, about an extremely dominant heel performance from Asuka and THE BLOODY. They both isolate Jaguar and Kosugi in the opening minutes, with Jaguar and Kosugi mounting some comebacks, with Kosugi retaliating with some really violent double stomps and Jaguar having a great looking comeback outside hitting ranas and dives, before they settle into a lengthy FIP section where a bleeding Kosugi got the worst of it with chain shots and table pieces flung at her head. It was a smart layout where you couldn‘t tell when the match was going to end. It builds to Stone Cold Jaguar Yokota coming in wasting everyone with chairs and a pretty exciting bomb throwing end run with Asuka suddenly getting bloodied and the match suddenly swinging to whether or not The Bloody could outlast her opponent. Also, as usual, Asukas minions interferred, but not in a way that detracted from the match. Neat moment where Asuka and The Bloody seemingly had the match won but Ran wouldn‘t count the fall as she was busy with their entourage outside the ring. Really good stuff and example of something that really elevated these young workers to go toe to toe with the legends in an intense fight.


Jaguar Yokota vs. Lioness Asuka, JD‘ 1/11/1998

Another crazy sprint with some absolutely psycho bumps. Jaguars bumping and athleticism kept this entertaining. Asuka has nice kicks, but she really loves lazily brawling around the arena. There also is a world of difference between Yokotas and Asukas selling, even in a go-go sprint like this. Yokota nailed Asuka with her double arm ganso bomb onto the apron about 5 minutes into this and Asuka was acting unphased moments later. Keep that in mind when you go into this. There were also one or two goofy moments, one in which Asukas posse all jumped into the ring at once to pile on Jaguar. That kind of thing just breaks the logic of a match because you wonder why they don‘t just do that all time? Still, Jaguar looked excellent. Also loved the opening sprint portion built around a sleeper hold.

Jaguar Yokota vs. Jumbo Hori, AJW 3/1982

Really good little match. This was a classic Jaguar performance where she outskills a bigger opponent by taking her down over and over and grinding here down with holds. Very much a wrestlers wrestler performance. Hori doesn‘t sell on the level to make this an epic match (there is a nice build to a figure 4 which sadly remains inconsequential), but her big slams were a lot of fun. Jaguar also takes a wild bump over the announce table at one point. Last couple moments saw Jaguar trying to cradle Hori over and over and reminded me of an intense amateur wrestling match.

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