Tuesday, May 25, 2021

GAEA 4/29/1997

 Toshie Uematsu vs. Sugar Sato

We only get a couple minutes of this, which is a shame because it looked like a really good match. Largely built around tight pin combos and Uematsu overcoming a leg injury. Uematsu is certainly giving that WCW Womens Cruiserweight belt some prestige in 1997.

Meiko Satomura & Sonoko Kato vs. Toshiyo Yamada & Chigusa Nagayo

Hey look, it’s Toshiyo Yamada. GAEAs top rookies run right into a brick wall in this match. Satomura and Kato tried, but they got blown off and ate an ass kicking. The two brief runs of offense felt lucky and were over as quickly as they arrived. Nagayo was definitely giving them the business in this one. Fun semi-competitive squash.

Akira Hokuto & Maiko Matsumoto vs. Mayumi Ozaki & Chikayo Nagashima

A match that was unsurprisingly centered around the animosities between Hokuto and Ozaki. I really dig Hokutos broken down but still arrogant badass act. Ozaki was fun when she was throwing hands and kicking people in the face, but I thought she was kind of no selling most of the time. Nagashima is a fun workrate partner to Ozaki but doesn’t really bring the heat. Matsumoto continues to be really effective as an underdog to her overdog partner. I didn’t love the whole match but it was good one overall.


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