Thursday, June 3, 2021

GAEA PERFECT GAME 5/10 + 5/25/1997


KAORU & Chihiro Nakano vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Makie Numao, GAEA 5/10/1997

Wish we had gotten more than 8 minutes of this. KAORU and Nakano were hellbent on taking down Chigusa here. In the end, KAORU kept coming back, but got blindsided and had to tag in Nakano. This lead to a Nakano/Numao finishing stretch with Nagayo and KAORU trying to help their girls. Very well done stuff with lots of neat, well timed moments and momentum swings. Once again TV editors prove to be GAEAs #1 heel stable.


Chigusa Nagayo vs. KAORU, GAEA 5/25/1997

This exceeded expectations. Basically a sprint where both ladies were hellbent on forcing the other to tap. Started like an Ikeda/Ishikawa match with Nagayo landing a running punt to KAORUs face before KAORU caught her in a rolling armbar. Nagayo is established that she can end a match with any submission so all the submissions felt important and there was some great counter work going on. KAORUs athleticism was also peak level. There were one or two ugly no-sells keeping this from being truly high end. Still, a great discovery.

Toshiyo Yamada & Meiko Satomura & Sonoko Kato vs. Akira Hokuto & Toshie Uematsu & Maiko Matsumoto, GAEA 5/25/1997

A wild 6 girl tag. Young girls were working hard, Satomura got her arm worked over and brought some great selling and fire, and I really liked how Matsumoto taunted her and then went straight for the arm. Uematsu got her ass kicked too and seemed to be falling apart. Hokuto and Yamada mostly let the youngins do their thing, with Hokuto coming in to torture Satomura and Yamada coming in to kick peoples heads off. I really liked how they basically stopped the wild pace of the match in the middle of it to do their showdown. In the end, and after some unpredictable momentum swings, it came down to Satomura vs. Uematsu, the two people who had taken the biggest beatings. Pretty great finish and and it got both of them over in a big way. I genuinely wanted them both to win.


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