Friday, July 2, 2021

Tarzan Goto Documentation Project #6


Tarzan Goto vs. Dan Severn, IWA Japan 8/20/1995 - EPIC


Brilliant, virtually perfectly worked match which was basically two beasts having a crazy bar fight. Goto is so awesome here, hitting the mat with Severn, getting in his head, using weapons, bleeding and potatoeing the UFC legend really hard. Imagine someone hitting Khabib with a stiff lariat and chair shots. Severn looks good in other matches, but he looks like a badass killer here, and I suspect no small part of that is Gotos doing. Loved Severn mauling and bloodying Goto on the ground, his crazy suplexes and throwing chairs. Goto escalating the violence by using the beer bottle and chairs and clocking Severn really hard in the jaw was awesome as well. This was everything you want this match up to be and more.

Tarzan Goto & Tomoaki Honma vs. Terry Funk & Abdullah the Butcher, AJPW 10/27/2002 - GREAT

This was maybe Gotos sole return match to AJPW. They really should‘ve used him more as he‘s such a great versatile worker. This was as fun as it looks on paper. You have Funk and Goto trading punches, Goto dropping elbows, Abby chopping and stabbing people, and Honma bleeding and getting bumped around. Goto is actually the first guy to bust out a fork and Abdullah turns the fork against him in a great spot that got a big face pop. 3 out of 4 guys bleed, and Goto chucks tables at the heads of 60 year old men (he is really one of the few guys who can do that kinda spot safely). Finish was unexpectedly violent too (you know, in a match with a bunch of blood and guys punching eachother in the face) with Honma eating some nasty punishment, but that‘s what Honma is for.

Tarzan Goto vs. Gran Mendoza, FMW 8/20/1990 - FUN


Gritty 7 minute match with a bunch of blood and guys taking nasty spills into the barbedwire. At this point the barbedwire stuff looked less like guys doing spots and more like guys actually falling into barbedwire. Mendoza was pretty generic but did one or two things I liked, such as his elbows and the cool „punch at nothing“ sell he did. Goto took a beating initially and then came back bleeding big and throwing some cool headbutts before dropping Mendoza hard with his facebuster which Mendoza didn‘t seem to know how to take. Short and very grizzly. 


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