Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Assorted NJPW Handhelds

 Shinya Hashimoto vs. Masahiro Chono, NJPW 3/1/1992

Chono isn't super compelling, but he has two moves that are really over and will occasionally hit back hard, and Hash is the fucking GOAT. This had a slow buildup, and while Chono doesn't bring more to the table than any random guy, I always enjoy Hashimotos grappling because he is such a beast. He executes something like a drop toe hold or belly to belly suplex with a ton of snap. Obviously the whole match built to the eventual escalation and when it comes Hashimoto is just an absolute force. The whole slow start is just to get the crowd buzzing for Hashimoto eventually snapping and stomping a mudhole in Chono, and that he does, bloody hell. There is a great moment where Chono absorbs the beating and tries to fire back but just gets overwhelmed, establishing Hashimotos hopelessly superior striking. Hashimoto puts such a one sided asskicking on Chono the crowd really senses Chonos only chance is to try to hit a Yakuza Kick or STF when the chance arises, so whenever Chono gets a glimpse of an offensive run they just go absolutely nuclear. Chono just eats one brutal kick to the chin and spine after another, he was eating such a beating that you buy him just wanting to stay down, but Hashimoto keeps pulling him up. The build to the STF was perfect as the first time Chono goes for it  he misses the toe hold, second time Hashimoto buries his face in the mat to avoid the facelock. Hashimoto eating Chonos boots was really great, it's such a simple move but Hashimoto makes it look like Chono is trying to kick down the Berlin wall. Match was sprinkled with some awesome, unexpected violence, such as Hashimoto elbowing Chono in the nose, Chono headbutting in the face, and at one point Hashimoto hitting a chop where it looked like he tried to stab his hand through Chono. Of course Hashimoto is really great at going from being an unstoppable monster to hanging on by a thread and being pushed to his limit. Amazing match, and it was basically all Hash.

Koji Kanemoto vs. Jushin Liger, NJPW 8/16/1992

Fun match where young Kanemoto gets a rub going 15 minutes against Liger. Kanemoto already looks like himself. He's still doing Tiger Mask spots, but he was also being a prick connecting Liger with some hard kicks, and Liger pays him back dearly with some brutal shotais and almost ripping him in half on a camel clutch. Super fun finishing run with Liger busting out random moves like a diving elbow or dragon sleeper for credible nearfalls.

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