Sunday, August 1, 2021

Going through Shodates Best Matches of the 90s List Part 4

 The List


222. Gary Albright & Dan Severn vs. Salman Hashimikov & Vladimir Berkovich, UWFi 12/5/1993

 Pretty much the pro wrestling equivalent of a monster truck show. 4 grizzly dudes built like fridges running at each other and going for wild throws in front of a crazy hot crowd. Severns aggression was beastly here, he was making these Russians really eat his hands, gotta appreciate him trusting that nobody will take offense. Albright did his thing - that is, deadlift suplexing dudes like they weighed 20 pounds. The crowd reaction to him hitting the deadlift german on Hashimikov and then teasing the full nelson suplex was intense. Berkovich seemed to be getting eaten alive early on - lots of grinding face-down matwork ensueing after throws - and the crowd reaction indicated the fans thought of him as a joker, so him snapping and beating down Severn was memorable. And Hashimikov is just about the most unfuckwithable greco roman throw machine you've ever seen. Badass stuff, this kind of money mark 90s shootstyle grandeur "hire a bunch of world champs with no pro wrestling experience and throw them in a big arena" booking was the best.

215. Mark Fleming & Tatsuo Nakano vs. Kiyoshi Tamura & Shigeo Miyato, UWFi 7/28/1992

Really great cutting edge shootstyle tag. Fleming is this burly Lou Thesz trainee and pretty much a beastly dude with real technical skill. He is a great matchup for Tamura to test himself against, and the plucky Miyato. Nakano as usual brings his special brand of aggression to the match, and whenever he comes in to slap someone in the mouth he really elevates things to a different level. Some absolutely gnarly suplexes are thrown, and the brief moment where and Tamura go at eachother with Tamura pouncing on him like a python and daring Nakano to hit him was awesome. Great finish too with Fleming looking a beast prying dudes apart with his carny special hold. This is why I track all these down.

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