Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Assorted FULL

 Akihiro Yonekawa vs. Mongolian Yuga, FULL 4/12/1993


The opening match to this FULL show begins with a bunch of uncooperative amateur matwork… because of course it does! I think Mongolian Yuga is Jinsei Shinzaki, and he looks like the fucking terminator in this. Holy hell. He was squishing poor Yonekawa (future Kesen Numajiro) with painful rides, gutwrench drops and out of nowhere suplexes. This was definitely the baddest showing by a guy who came out to „Dschingis Khan“ as his entrance music ever. Yonekawa doesn‘t get any offense going – when he does put on a side headlock, Yuga just suplexes him hard. A couple hard slaps and dropkicks to the face later it looks like Yonekawa is bleeding from his mouth, GAEA girls like. Yonekawa does get in a DDT and bulldog – causing Yuga to do some nice head spike bumping – but the Mongol is soon no selling his offense. Brutal piledriver, headspiking suplex and one absolutely nasty claw slam later and Yonekawa is dead meat. Yuga struts away as Dschingis Khan blares. Pro wrestling is special and wonderful.

Lasser vs. Felino, FULL 9/12/1991

Some quite beautiful lucha here. These guys will do the standard lucha exchanges at a ridiculously high level, and then add in some nice extra flourishes such as amateur takedowns during matwork etc making this feel like a UWF match. Felino was in his goofy early costume where looked a bit like an ewok, but looked like an awesome matworker. I liked Lasser a lot as part of the Arqueros and he is a very good luchador in his own right. Dug his big hip attacks. This was 7 minutes and it really felt longer because they did so much cool stuff.

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