Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Assorted Early FMW

Atsushi Onita & Lee Gak Soo vs. Mitsuteru Tokuda & Sambo Asako, FMW 6/2/1990

Early FMW was a pretty interesting promotion, like a seedier, more garbage brawling heavy BattlARTS. Here Onita tags with a crazy Korean Taekwondo(?) guy against two gi clad grapplers. Lee Gak Soo honestly looked amazing in this, his kicks were super violent and he was hitting so many pretty variations, landing his soles right in peoples faces. It felt like a fight to the death whenever he was in the ring. My boy Sambo Asako is a damn champion here once again taking violent assbeatings from Gak Soo and nasty headbutts from Onita, bleeding and getting fired up. Tokuda is a bit non descript but he does some solid throws and grappling and at one point busts out a god damn Cattle Mutilation. This thing was pretty one sided with Gak Soo and Onita mostly kicking the snot out of their opponents, so it felt like a big moment when Asako was able to hit a basic suplex. Also, the heat was off the charts. Really violent, crazy spectacle feeling, no down time, pretty much exactly what you want.


Atusshi Onita vs. Lee Gak Soo, FMW 5/19/1990

Not quite as violent as the above tag, but still Gak Soo axe kicks Onita in the face a bunch. Onita hits some violent throws in retaliation including a backedrop that spiked Gak Soo. All time brutal finish where Onita drops Gak Soo with an insane thunder fire bomb but the bell saves Gak Soo so Onita drops him with another in the next round.

Lee Gak Soo vs. Yukihide Ueno, FMW 5/12/1990

I expected this to be a complete squash, but Ueno (who is the future Battle Ranger) smacks Gak Soo at the bell and then downs him with some big kicks! Gak Soo comes back with a rage though and beats the tar out of Ueno with crazy punches and kicks, while doing his amusing high pitched yelling. Ueno becomes more cautious and does more grappling, including hitting some really nice throws before Soo takes off his jacket and finishes him off. Fun stuff, and impressive for even a rookie like Ueno at the time to be so proficient.

Masanobu Kurisu vs. Shooter #2 (FMW 3/10/90)

 Kurisu beats the life out of this poor sap. Shooter won't go down without a fight and gets in a nice stiff lariat and a big suplex, but Kurisu just brutalizes him. Nasty stomps galore. Kurisu nearly sprained the Shooters ankle with a nasty toe hold. Kurisu was an asskicking machine in 1990 and it was awesome.

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