Friday, November 19, 2021

Tanomusaku Toba Documentation #16

Tanomusaku Toba vs. Takashi Sasaki, DDT 11/19/2000 - GREAT

Man, I love the fact Takashi Sasaki had an Ishikawa/Ikeda like feud going with Toba. Whenever these two stepped in the ring against each other the violence just reached next level. They just go toe to toe the whole time and it‘s a rush. It wasn‘t your turn-my turn style exchanges either, both guys were rushing and trying to outgun each other. Aside from all the stiffness there are some really good moments of countering the other guys onslaught. I once again loved Toba busting out his insane apron kick, as well as the huracanrana into punch rush. Really good finish, too. This wasn‘t quite as epic in scope as their singles earlier in the year (that was a main event while this was a semi) but this was still 8 minutes of super badass pro wrestling.

Tanomusaku Toba & Tomohiko Hashimoto & Jason the Terrible vs. Tomohiro Ishii & Issei Fujisawa & Shigeo Kato, DDT 12/12/2001 - FUN

Now this is a match up! This match has honest to god Jason The Terrible hitting the mat with Shigeo Kato. Outside of that this was really fun. Hashimoto is cool just pounding people into the mat with STOs over and over, and Kato is a fun heel who knows how to turn up the violence. Whenever Ishii and Toba were facing each other the violence increased a lot, mostly just Ishii brutalizing Toba, right in the opening he hits a jaw cracking lariat on Toba, then launches him over the rope with a gorilla press before hitting a reckless dropkick on the floor. Toba held the match together taking an asskicking from the heel team and being sympathetic. We don‘t really get him teeing off on somebody but he has some cool moments hitting flying kicks and a cool double team with Hashimoto where Hashimoto hits an STO while Toba kicks the guy in the face. Jason looks good hitting cool spin kicks and powerslams. Fujisawa is the Kensuke Sasaki imitator and he was imitating multiple wrestlers in this and he was a bit clunky but didn‘t derail the match with jokes. Weird to see a match with this many whacky characters in it be played completely straight but it was good.

Tanomusaku Toba vs. Yasu Urano, DDT 8/10/2008 - FUN

 One of those examples of a random midcarder suddenly working a bit harder when facing the mighty force that is TOBA. Urano seemed to be laying in his dropkicks and lariats harder and some quality stiff exchanges resulted. Toba also busted out some great offense, such as his springboard enzuigiri and a bunch of awesome looking rollups. Perfectly entertaining 5 minute snack.


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