Wednesday, December 1, 2021

2 Cold Scorpio Documentation Project


2 Cold Scorpio is a wrestler everybody knows is awesome, but few can tell how awesome exactly. Most of that is due to his insanely extensive career that took him to all kinds of places, from Mexican organizations to German beer halls to all the major American organizations to Japanese indies, then NOAH and back to US indies. There are few wrestlers more deserving of an in-depth look at their careers so it's time to do it and scrape for hidden gems. As always matches are broken down into SKIPPABLE, FUN, GREAT and EPIC.


vs. Paul Orndorff, WCW 5/18/1993 - GREAT

vs. Lord Steven Regal, WCW 7/27/1993 - GREAT


vs. Fit Finlay, CWA 11/27/1994 - EPIC


vs. Dean Malenko, ECW 3/3/1995 - FUN


vs. Sabu, Tokyo Pro 8/25/1996 - EPIC

vs. The Goon, WWF 12/2/1996 - FUN


vs. Taz, ECW 1/10/1998 - GREAT 

vs. Rob van Dam, ECW 3/20/1998 - GREAT


vs. Satoru Asako, NOAH 11/4/2000 - GREAT

w Vader vs. Daisuke Ikeda & Mitsuharu Misawa, NOAH 12/2/2000 - FUN


vs. Mitsuharu Misawa, NOAH 6/9/2001 - FUN

w Vader vs. Daisuke Ikeda & Takashi Sugiura, NOAH 10/17/2001 - GREAT

w Vader vs. Jun Akiyama & Akitoshi Saito, NOAH 10/19/2001 - GREAT


w Vader vs. Mitsuharu Misawa & Jun Izumida, NOAH 11/20/2002 - GREAT


vs. Tamon Honda, NOAH 3/31/2003 - GREAT


w Richard Slinger vs Akitoshi Saito & Makoto Hashi, NOAH 7/10/2004 - GREAT


vs. Go Shiozaki, NOAH 4/3/2005 - GREAT

vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru, NOAH 11/5/2005 - GREAT


vs. Minoru Suzuki, GCW 4/23/22 - FUN

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