Sunday, December 12, 2021

80s Europe #7

 Alan Kilby vs. King Ben, WoS 10/7/1981

Really unique match. I know Alan Kilby can be pretty great, while King Ben hasn't done anything for me, but they both went all out here in a contest that was basically worked greco roman mixed with some shootstyle holds and stiff strikes. Forget about the classy british grappling and reversals, most of this was built around really intense lockups, attempted and failed throws and struggling over pin attempts. At one point Ben breaks out a top wristlock, Kilby starts working an armbar on the ground... add in some stiff, awkwardly landing strikes (including a flying headbutt from Ben that almost KOd Kilby) and sheer wild eyed determination from Kilby and you've got yourself one hell of a match. This match felt like it belonged in the 1960s rather than 1981, but the folks sat there in awe and really appreciated this contest that just kept building and building. Great finish too.


John Elijah vs. Ray Steele, WoS 7/22/1982

John Elijah was this bear of a man, who looked like he had insane upper body strength. And this had a bunch of great hold for hold work mostly focussing on the upper body. Elijah had this way of selling when he was forcing his way out of Steeles holds as if he was performing insane feats of strength. There‘s an artform to working this way that is lost now, and they executed a really good match in this style. Slow paced but the crowd was hot for it and there were some great holds and generally really good work.

Fit Finlay vs. Young David, WoS 3/13/1982

A look at a Finlay match where he doesn‘t cheat. He doesn‘t even step on Davey Boys hands. This had some really good matwork and holds. You get the sense Finlay vs. Atlantis would‘ve been amazing. David didn‘t leave his mark on the match as much as Finlay, but he looked intense. A lot of this was like if you‘d ask what junior wrestling between two super athletic guys with no high flying would look like. Finlay had some awe inspiring bridging and both guys had some great looking suplexes. Overall good technical action although it didn‘t have as much heat or story as their better bouts.


80s Euro Compendium 

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