Thursday, December 16, 2021

RIP Jimmy Rave


Jimmy Rave vs. AJ Styles, Pro South Wrestling 5/8/2015

This was Styles working some dingy hall in the south to defend the IWGP title against Rave. A nice PS to their storyline in RoH 10 years earlier. Structurally this felt a bit like both guys doing their take on an NWA title match with modern stylings. Nice fast movements by Rave during the opening hold exchanges, with Styles sinking into holds for control. The whole match was built around Styles controlling, with Rave gradually making comebacks, until Rave was stringing enough offense together that it seemed like he could really win the IWGP title. I would have liked a bit more emotion given both guys backstory, maybe for Rave to revive his old cheating tactics more, although that rope bump he made Styles take was pretty nasty. But it was a very good veteran psychology match with high athleticism.

Jimmy Rave vs. Nigel McGuinness, RoH 3/4/2007

This was a Fight without Honor and took place in Nigels home country. Just a brutal old fight this was. Typical in RoH fashion they start with a lock up, but Rave imemdiately establishes his ratboy heel role and they are soon laying into each other. Really amped up level of violence, with guys taking nasty bumps and really smacking each other hard between exchanges. McGuinness is a trashing machine laying into Rave with open hand strikes and jaw-breaking lariats, and Rave holds up his own landing a really violent face stomp and bitchslapping him. Nigels bandaged leg comes into play, and while there wasn‘t much legwork Rave would use it to cut him off, and he did a pretty decent job selling it. Guardrail bumps were just insane and really took this to the next level, Rave was fearless just absolutely getting killed on that steel. Because this is 2007 parts of the match came across a bit work-rateish particularily the bit where McGuinness first did his Tower of London when there should‘ve been a bit more hatred and torturing each other. Still those sections were well executed, and everything else was super gritty and mean. Loved the „fuck you“ Pedigree from Rave complete with a shit eating, bloody grin, too.

Dog Collar Match: Jimmy Rave vs. CM Punk, RoH 5/7/2005

This was more like it. Jimmy Rave jumps CM Punk before he can get the collar chain on him. After that it‘s all hatred, chain punches and blood. The chain prevents much workrate so they had to stay focussed and it produced a really good brawl. Punk bled a gusher and Rave beat the fuck out of him. For a guy who‘s a pretty boy heel, Rave knows how to get violent, his Mistica into a chain across the mouth was super nasty. Punk won‘t make you forget Jim Duggan in his role but he‘s smart enough to get a few things right. It was getting a bit silly at the end with Punk fighting off the whole Embassy as more and more goons kept jumping on him, but Rave took me right back with that insanely violent chair assault.

Jimmy Rave vs. Chris Crunk, AWE 9/20/2015

At this point Rave had turned into a slightly fatter, grizzlier indy veteran. He beats the shit out of his skinny opponent here. Snug clotheslines, violent face stomps, big STO, just eating this guy up. Rarely do you see one sided veteran beatdowns in wrestling like this nowadays and this was a glorious one. Crunk didn‘t do much for me but he doesn‘t get in much offense either. And you watch this for Rave cracking him.

Jimmy Rave vs. Matt Riddle, SCI 8/6/2016

This is grizzled veteran Rave taking on Riddle who is younger and was also a huge indy star at this time. Nice example of Rave working a completely different than usual match. He is still his usual persona, but he is so outmatched and has to fight from underneath so he almost assumes a Masao Inoueish babyface role. Riddle outgrapples him early, so Rave thumbs him in the eye and stomps his bare feet. After some more scuzzy Rave heel antics, such as punching Riddle in the face and spitting on him, Riddle would go on ragdoll Rave with his throws. Raves STO was once again a great, really well timed spot set up by Riddles doozy dooness. Riddle is a bit goofy here but Raves performance draws the crowd into the match in a much bigger way than his usual match. A testament to the skills of Jimmy Rave.

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