Friday, February 18, 2022

Distillated HEAT

 Dean Malenko vs. Joe Legend, WWF 8/8/2000

This was when they tried to give Malenko some colour by giving him a ladys man gimmick. So he struts out with two hot ladies to grapple with Just Joe. This is one of those 5 minute HEAT matches where I assume both guys agreed that they wouldn't take any bumps so they just arm lock each other a bunch and it's awesome. Really eschews a traditional match structure and they do things like awkwardly kicking each other in the shoulder and just aggressively going for arm attacks. It was stuff you'd expect in an Otani match. Joe works the DOUBLE CHICKENWING and the commentators have no idea what to make of this. Malenko goes for a backdrop and Joe counters but instead of bumping him he just goes for a hammerlock. Joe has a fun spot where goes for a superkick and gets his leg caught on the top rope. The finish is Joe goes to hit Malenko with his belt (It's a title match baby!) and Malenko pins him with Fujinami leg pin. Completely inexplicable and cool.

Essa Rios vs. Billy Fives, WWF 4/10/2000

Rios didn't go far in WWF but he was an athletic machine, probably the most spectacular wrestler in the world at that point. Billy Fives is an indy random and for some guy who's not a luchador and only had this 1 match on WWF TV he bases well for Rios stuff. Rios does all this awesome stuff including superkicking Fives hard, nice punch combo, cool powerslam and hits a hard clothesline. Lita is with Rios so she whips out her awesome apron rana followed by the insane Rios flip dive. Rios actually gives this indy random some offense and Fives makes the most of it hitting a martial arts spin kick to Rios' ribs in the corner and a nearly rib crunching frog splash. Rios with the insanely gorgeous moonsault is always great.

Perry Saturn vs. Chad Collyer, WWF 9/18/2000

Just a 3 minute match, but Saturn in syndicated matches against indy scum is guaranteed entertainment. This had the structure of an indy juniors match sandwhiched into a 3 minute slot, starting with mat work to a little heat section before Saturn gives Collyer some offense and then finishes him off. Saturns matwork looks really good, really dragging Collyer around, the heat section is good as Saturn throws Collyer around with some hurty suplex and a brutal Aja Kong style corner gutbuster, all while playing to the crowd working his valet. Collyer hits a nice German on Saturn and eats a cool Death Valley Driver.

Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Essa Rios, WWF 5/15/2000

Nobody really talks about Scotty 2 Hotty as a great worker, but with his dance moves, cool athleticism, punches and Memphis-taught understanding of how to 'rassle, I sure wish there were more Scotty 2 Hottys around and less kickpadded genericos. Really fun 5 minute match centered around the face charisma of Scotty, with Lita again whipping out her awesome rana and Rios taking huge bumps including the gigantic missed moonsault into the ring. The psychology around the WORM is fun, as Scotty hits it to the crowds delight, Rios gets up immediately and get caught in another move and pinned.

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