Monday, March 28, 2022

Keita Yano Documentation Project #1

Keita Yano vs. Sanshu Tsubakichi, BattlARTS 1/17/2010 - FUN

This was one of those B-Rules matches which means all grappling. Yano wasn't on the same level as a pure grappler as 10 years later but it was a fun 5 minutes. There's a cool spot where Yano chokes out Tsubakichi over the rope and some gritty submissions especially enjoyed the weird leg hook Yano busted out. Perfectly fun stuff

Keita Yano vs. Sanshu Tsubakichi, WALLABEE 4/28/2013 - FUN

3 years later, BattlARTS is gone, Yano is the Joker and he shows up in a Bruce Lee suit. It's a WALLABEE world now. This wasn't a ton different from the 2010 match, almost all grappling although it had some gritty kicks and kidney punches. Good in the same way with a neat Fujiwara-esque finish although didn't quite push in the weird and wonderful of truely great Yano matches.

Keita Yano vs. 326, WALLABE 11/30/2014 - EPIC

Now this is stuff that is making Yano a legend. 326 (Mitsuru) is this short, old, bald sleazey looking karateka. Normally grappler vs. striker would have the striker be the dominant one, but Yano is a menacing force in black metal facepaint here. He punts the poor guy all over the dojo, really hitting him with sick reckless kicks and punches. An awkward swinging lariat sends Mitsuru tumbling and coming up bloody. That seems to have woke him up as he plants a nasty spin kick in Yanos face. Now both these guys are bleeding and at each others throats trading sick headbutts. When Yano started raining punches from mount it looked like he wanted to kill the guy. Also loved him hurling 326 by the scruff and the big belly to belly suplex. Short, intense, violent, pure sleaze gold. Also really dug the post match.

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