Tuesday, April 12, 2022

80s Europe #8


Marc Rocco vs. Steve McHoy, Wos 2/17/1982

This was from a Royal Albert Hall show. Rocco was set to face Kung Fu but Kung Fu was working Stampede so Rocco gets on the mic and says Kung Fu is hiding because he knows Rocco would kill him in the ring, and that rules. This was such a brawl it barely resembled a WoS much but the heat was super and it was a really fun fast paced bout. McHoy was this Scottish heavyweight and kind of non descript but Rocco made sure the heat was on him by beating on this man with elbows and stomps to the face. I also really liked that little headbutt he threw on the ground. McHoy has some fun comebacks punishing Rocco and Roccos bumping was superb, he made a simple knee lift look devastating. I also really liked the bit where McHoy bitchslapped Rocco and then armdragged him a bunch when he came charging hotheadedly. Big big bump for the finish too. This was a cool sprint.

Johnny Saint vs. Robbie Brookside (4/28/87)

Borderline masterpiece of a British grappling match, maybe the last truely great bout to come out of the country. Not a ton of extended selling or story aside from Brookside being this lanky kid taking it to a master, but there was a ton of really good wrestling. Brookside sure looked sharper than I‘ve ever seen him here. He had some great holds and movements. And Saint cut out the smiles and just wrestled a cutting edge bout. Really liked how Brookside didn‘t let himself get pinned by Saitns signature stuff. The hold for hold stuff was great and there were some fantastic rope running sequences including one where Saint took a really nice missed bump off a crossbody. Also liked how when Brookside had enough of the grappling and started leathering Saint with uppercuts Saint retaliated by dropkicking him flush in the face. Great bout.


80s Euro Compendium

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