Monday, April 4, 2022

90s Era Indy Shootstyle

 Lightning Kid vs. Wellington Wilkins Jr., PWA 6/10/1991

Brutal match where Wilkins stretches the hell out of Waltman for 20 minutes. X-Pac looks like he's 14 Wilkins just ties him in knots in this dingy hall. Waltman had a few slick moments of his own, I really liked the bit where he salvaged a somewhat awry gone Victory Roll by transitioning to a slick Fujiwara armbar. Kid keeps fighting back but Wilkins just keeps wringing the hell out of him with joint popping arm and legbars. Some incredibly nasty boston crab too, and Wilkins at one point hits this crazy flying shoulder that hit Waltman like a bomb. Wilkins really emphasizes weight here, always bridging all over Waltman and really trying to keep him on the mat to tap him. I really liked how Wilkins despite being in the role of delivering a nasty one sided beating still sold big for a Waltman enzuigiri, it felt like despite Kid being outgunned he could still make a comeback and win. Last few minutes were downright torturous.

Mike Winner vs. Karl Pope, Portland Wrestling 12/5/1992

Really awesome weird little match. These are two guys with amateur backgrounds, and they don't do much usual pro wrestling in this match, which is kind of the best kind of pro wrestling. The work a bunch of awesome greco lockups, bridges, cradles and all that and it's really cool. They pro wrestling-ify these things very well and work them with some good struggle. There were also some nice awkwardly hit pro style moves like a crossbody where Pope seemed to knee Winner in the face and a hard clothesline that caught him in the throat. Also really dug the simplistic but really cranked in boston crabs and back elbows. I wish we had more  Mike Winner like this.

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