Saturday, May 28, 2022

2022 MOTY Project Update #2

 Charlie Dempsey vs. A-Kid, WWE 4/21/2022

Charlie Dempsey is Regals kid, and by god he wrestles and looks like a slightly skinnier Regal! He was awesome in this. Great bridges and nifty technical moves galore. A-Kid is kind of a generic indy kickpadded workhorse. His stuff looks a bit awfully light and dainty, but what can you do. He goes along well with Regal Jrs. technical stuff. The first round alone (this was rounds for some reason) would have made a great opening round to any WoS match. Loved all the Regal suplexes and the butterfly suplex sequence was fantastic. The first two finishes were really good, dug the slick back switches. The last fall was a bit of a let down as it was basically an RoH finish and not some kind of cool technical conclusion, but that's purely a purists concern. Hearty recommendation to check this out just for all the cool stuff little Regal can do.

2022 MOTY List

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