Friday, June 24, 2022

STYLE-E Summer E Impact in West Chofu 7/22/2007


 Masashi Takeda vs. Naoki Matsumoto

Nice to see Pro Wrestling DREAMERS boy Matsumoto show up. This was a nice match between two guy with amateur backgrounds. It was a pro-style match but they both displayed some swift amateur movements, like very high level on the basic go behinds on the mat etc. At one point Takeda has a really nice shot underneath for the ankle hold. Matsumoto did a solid job working Takedas arm and he's a really nifty worker in general. I really liked how when Matsumoto got entangled in the loose ropes Takeda immediately went for the kill by hitting a spear. Nice opening match.

Keita Yano & Chojin Yusha G Valion vs. Yuta Yoshikawa & Tomohiko Hashimoto - GREAT

 Valion and Hashimoto weren't much in this match, but they didn't stink it up either. Whenever Yano and Yoshikawa faced off it was nice, scrappy BattlARTS style action with both guys really peppering each other with kicks and open hands. Hashimoto is a slug but at least he hit hard when it was time to put a beatdown on Yano. Yano bumped big and ate some good punishment, he had a really pretty dropkick too. Thankfully, the finish was Yano vs. Yoshikawa again and it was really good pushing this into GREAT territory as Yano busted out cool STOs and his awesome bridging choke submission. Really nice stuff and didn't overstay its welcome.

Kyosuke Sasaki vs. Masanori Ishikura

Nice to see Ishikura getting a showcase match. This started with some really nice slick U-Style grappling before Sasaki upped the asshole moves and started grinding Ishikuras face. Ishikura fired back in style hitting a big dropkick followed by a massive dive over the top to the floor. After that the match was more on the pro style side but it ended up being really good action full of hard fought submission attempts. Ishikura certainly looked like he could kick and grapple with the best of them, and him busting out stuff like a Kido Clutch was really cool. Crafty finish where Sasaki is able to lock in an achilles hold, Ishikura looks in pain and tries to kick his way out only for Sasaki to turn it into a heel hook and tap him. Really enjoyed this one.

Kazuhiro Tamura & Masato Shibata vs. Kabuki Kid & Chon Shiryu & Bungee Takada

That heel trio is scummy as hell. But, because they worked a good structure with the heels working rudo tactics and building to hot tags, the match ended up working. Shiryu was by far the standout and looked great. When the two goons immediately started brawling with the faces he just stood in the ring and kept smiling and waving his flag like a prick. Then he hit this awesome flying kick to the floor. His kicks and kung fu spots are so cool and were a consistent highlight throughout the match. Kabuki Kid can hit a decent uppercut and thrust kick so that's all I need to be happy. Bungee Takada ain't much good but he manages to not stink up the match. Both Tamura and Shibata got hot tags, I really liked Tamura who's really quick and sharp at this point. Shibata is a tubby guy in a yellow singlet that says SHIBATA TIME and he just squishes people with his blubber. Shibata ends up turning against Tamura though giving the rudos an easy win. At least the fake Kabuki sprayed Tamura with some mist to make it memorable. Still, Shiryus performance here was insanely cool to check out, and the match was well worked.

The Library

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