Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Thoughts on 30 minutes of Volk Han vs. Zaza Grom


Volk Han vs. Zaza Grom, RINGS 6/24/1999

Opening 20 minutes of this or so were fantastic and some of the greatest shootstyle grappling I‘ve ever seen. You know Grom is a badass when he is like 35 here and as grey as a caesar. This is all about Groms ability to takedown Han at will and Han trying to counter that. Naturally Han is really great at creating incredible counters, but Zaza is also really great at creating incredible counters to those counters. It starts like the usual Han deal, with Han getting a rope break in the first minute. Then Han loses another point on a break and one on a technicality, and it seems like no big deal, but Zaza keeps racking up points. Suddenly Han is with his back against the wall, and then he eats a vicious shotai and he‘s out of points. I really wanted the last 5 minutes to be more epic considering how great they had built it up but sometimes you just gotta ride it out. Incredible showing from Grom regardless, and another piece of untouchable Han work.

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