Friday, June 10, 2022

Time to FU*CK

 Fugofugo Yumeji & Hiroaki Moriya vs. Hideaki Sumi & Yuki Toyoura, FU*CK 5/30/2021

Man, Fugo is super broken down, like he can barely walk, but he is still one menace in the ring. He looks so tough, like it would hurt you if you hit him, and when he's throwing hands he is just killing you. All the Sumi vs. Fugo exchanges here where hard as fuck, no trained monkey show for sure. Sumi also did a pretty decent job torturing Moriyas arm and I was just going to write down that they worked a well rounded match, but then Fugo sprinted across the ring to clock Sumi in the jaw again. Moriya and Toyoura are absolutely nothing special but their involvement in the match is so miniscule and I kind of liked Moriya, who is weirdly old, like older than Fugo here, doing something of a Tenryu impression. You want this for the old guys killing each other, and I really liked that Fugo and Sumi even got to do the finish. Yes it was a bit slow, but it felt like a fight to the  death. These kicks from Sumi were no joke for sure, and Fugo took them right to the skull.

Fugofugo Yumeji & Hiroaki Moriya vs.  Tatsuhiko Nakagawa & Hiroyuki Iwahara, FU*CK 1/3/2022

This starts as Fugo & Nakagawa vs. Iwahara & Moriya, but about a minute into that Nakagawa decides to attack Fugo and it turns into this match. Bad bad decision, because holy mother of god Fugo decides to absolutely murder him. The opening exchange of this may have been the most violent thing of the year, it starts as basically two tough old guys who won't back down beating on each other and then FUGO completely escalates it with a headbutt that sounded like a rock cracking. I thought things couldn't get more violent then that and Nakagawa looked like he was having an aneyurisma, but then Fugo headbutted him in the face and then stomped on his bleeding mouth. Totally out of nowhere and hideously brutal. The rest of the match is pretty good too, obviously not on that level, but surprisingly decent for a FU*CK match. We get a better look at Moriya here, he is built like a potatoe, all lumpy and no arms, and his Tenryu stuff looks pretty nice here as he and Fugo put a good beatdown on Iwahara with Moriya busting out some nice kicks to the face, punches and lariats. The highlight though was obviously Fugos crazy suicide dive from that tiny ring. He looked like the craziest motherfucker on earth in this match, all while working FU*CK in a toy ring in front of like 12 people. You have to love the man.

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