Friday, July 8, 2022

GAEA DEAD HEAT 7/21/1997

 Pancrase Rules: KAORU vs. Toshiyo Yamada

This was a straight UWF style match, which is something you don’t see much from the ladies. I wasn’t sure how KAORU would do in this, but she ended up doing well. Yamada looked badass as you expect. Some grinding matwork. KAORU initially forced her to the ropes and tried to upset her, but Yamada pushed back hard and almost obliterated her with a kick that would look brutal on a Maeda highlight reel. Exciting finish. Didn’t know KAORU had this in her. Really good stuff.

Meiko Satomura & Sonoko Kato vs. Chigusa Nagayo & Toshie Uematsu

Really heated, fast paced tag. As usual Nagayo disciplining her students and acting invincible provided plenty of entertainment, but I was surprised by how good this was when Uematsu was in the ring. Seems she was turning into a really great worker at this point. Satomura and Kato fought like mad, making some real dents into Nagayo, shocking the audience when Satomura even dropped her with the Death Valley Bomb. Unfortunately, only the last few minutes aired.

Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima vs. Reyna Jabuki (Toshiyo Yamada doing Hokuto's gimmick) & Infernal KAORU

High end workrate match where they went pedal to the metal in 10 minutes. Fast exchanges, cool double teams by Jubuki and KAORI, chair coming into play… they did everything, and did it so fast almost nothing stuck. Weird choice to run this kind of match after the much more heated, story driven Nagayo tag. The finish was really nice as Nagashima and Sato tried to set up the doomsday device but KAORU took out Nagashima with a springboard dropkick and Yamada got the pin with an impressive reverse rana into a pin combo. Other than that this was forgotten as quick as it was to watch.

The Library

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