Saturday, July 16, 2022

Underground Wrestling EXIT 1/29/2012

Fugofugo Yumeji vs. MASAKI

I think MASAKI is a Nightmare guy or something. At least I recall seeing his name on those shows 10 years earlier. Weird how these guys keep popping in and out of random scum indies over the years. Masaki has nice kicks and knees and is not afraid to get slapped in the face hard, and this starts out as pretty decent BattlARTS scrap on a paper tin mat placed on a wooden floor. Soon enough Fugo cranks up the violence to Kurisu-ish levels by hitting some pretty crazy stomps and kicks to MASAKIs head. Masaki doesn‘t give up yet but is soon toast as Yumeji cracks his head open with an ungodly headbutt. Pretty short, primitive and fun.

Nyudo vs. Ghost Face

Ghost Face is a masked guy who looks really buff and kind of old, like he is an undercarder from the 90s, maybe Rikio Ito. This was pretty basic rookie punishment stuff, Nyudo throws forearms and the big guy blows him off etc. Standard staff made a little rougher by the EXIT setting since that mat really seems to provide almost no protection.

Keita Yano & THE KABUKI vs. Kikujiro Umezawa & Kenji Takeshima

Yano was a workhorse in this, hitting the mat with Takeshima and bumping his ass off on that thin mat. He even seemed to be doing a Mighty Inoue tribute act, perhaps inspired by him teaming with the son of the Great Kabuki. Yano does an airplane spin and some flip sentons. The first Umezawa vs. Kabuki Jr. section was great, they start by basically ramming into each other and do a bunch of uncooperative looking grappling. Still I wanted BUKI to do some neck chops and superkicks, but he just didn‘t tag in again for some reason. Still Umezawa is super gritty in this environment and Keita was well worth watching.


The Library

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