Tuesday, September 20, 2022

80s Europe #11


Keith Haward vs. Chic Cullen, 3/5/1984

These two are kind of plain and non descript, but they were surprisingly able to create a bit of spark and tension by stubbornly trying to snap each others limbs. Lots of excellent arm and leg attack stuff, especially from Cullen. He looked like punky teenage boy with his tattoos and hair, but he sure could take a leg part. Dug all the toe holds, stepping into the kneecap etc. There were even some Fuchi-ish half crabs and a great Stretch Muffler. Haward is as stoic as they come but he gave Cullen a mean iceman glare at the right moment and went for the arm with abandon. All finishes were smart. Crazy ending. This was a borderline excellent bout.

Pete Roberts vs. Indio Guajaro (11/13/85)

This was all about the wild act of Indio Guajaro. It was nice to see him do his thing in front of an excitable British crowd. Very a-typical WoS match as it was almost constant action and attacking from Indio with Roberts retaliating. Roberts was one of those typically British faces, i.e. he was basically just a bloke who could wrestle, but he had no problem keeping up the pace and the crowd loved him. Guajaro took some big bumps and kept yanking the mic away from the MC to yell things in Spanish. Really heated, no downtime, doesn‘t overstay it‘s welcome, this was a great piece of TV.

Little Prince vs. Keith Haward (12/11/85)

This was really good. At first glance it was typical WoS stuff with two stoic grapplers trading holds, but they had really good intensity and kept building it until things got heated. Little Prince was a Pakistani wrestler. Stocky guy, but he could really go. He would slap Haward when he was down and he also threw one hell of a suplex. The match had the kind of ultra tight, detailed holds and awesome throws that I like. Haward is notorious for not having much personality but he showed enough fire when Prince started to slap the shit out of him. Good shit. 


80s Euro Master List

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