Thursday, September 29, 2022

A brief Yosuke Takii career overview


Yosuke Takii vs. Yusaku Obata, ?? 9/26/2010

As far as indy matches between two chiselled boy band looking pretty boys go, this was about as good as you can ask for. Non-stop action, with both guys trying to take chunks out of each other with some really stiff hits and hitting bonkers dives. Obata is pretty underrated and it‘s a bit sad his career just fizzled away, the guy could really bring the heat. He looked great tearing up Takiis leg, and really clocking him in the face with his jumping kicks. Takii was basically a more jacked version of Ibushi, he had no problem hitting some crazy highspots and trying to kick Obatas skull in. They don‘t overdo the highspots, they keep laying into each other hard and it‘s just a really good match.

Yosuke Takii vs. El Samurai, ?? 5/5/2010

Really cool late career Samurai performance. Word on Samurai is that he barely had good matches in the 2000s, but this was a nice journeyman brawling performance. He beat the heck out of Takii with some great looking punches, dumping chairs on him and just generally kicking his ass. He knew to keep things moving too and Takii kept coming back, so it wasn‘t a dry one sided beat down, either. Takii was kicking him really hard, too and even stole Samurais Fire Powerbomb as a neat fuck you. Some bigger bombs and a way bigger finish than you expect from a rookie/veteran match. Dig it!

Yosuke Takii vs. Hiroaki Taniguchi, Pro Wrestling Shi-En 8/22/2021

 This is 2021, so there‘s no crowd heat, and the match is a bit slower paced. That said this was really solid and Taniguchi was pretty good here too. Takii still has a bowlcut and mullet which is I guess the pro wrestling equivalent to a boyband haircut. Takii may be even more jacked than in 2010, I‘m surprised no bigger indy promotion has picked him up, but Japanese wrestling is weird like that. Takii still lays really hard kicks into Taniguchi and tore up his shoulder briefly before we got Taniguchi destroying him. Taniguchi is a really solid power guy and I liked how he seemingly didn‘t care to work a body part, initially he attacked Takiis legs to get the upper hand but then he just kept dropping and crushing him. Takii has some neat offense and can take a big beating. The big powerslam actually ending the match was a nice surprise. Cool stuff that would rock a Velocity episode.

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