Friday, September 2, 2022

Assorted Mr. Gannosuke Produce


GENTARO vs. Kazuhiro Tamura, Mr. Gannosuke Produce 3/31/2011

Really good match which felt like a cross of an 80s New Japan shooter vs. Wrestler match and a modern indy match in the best ways. Gentaro punking out the shooter with a hard judo slam and tight gator roll to start was great. I am used to Tamura being kind of pedestrian, so him being really aggressive and chipping away at Gentaros legs with stiff kicks was a pleasant surprise. Gentaro continued to be the king of the mat by making the usual leglocks compelling with his counters. Gentaros leg selling was excellent and the build to the Sharpshooter had a number of sweet moments. Also loved Gentaros desperation frankensteiner which was set up very well. Tamuras stuff looked good and he constantly went for the leg. Fantastic stuff and Gentaro continues to prove how good he is.

Choun Shiryu vs. Masashi Takeda, Mr. Gannosuke Produce 9/5/2009

This was a No Rules match where both guys end up bleeding. Takeda being a death match guy brings a barbedwire bat and a bag of trash, and Shiryu being a Chinese martial artist brings a staff, frying pan and jug of beer. Shiryus Hong Kong movie strikes are so much fun and his spots are brilliant, and Takeda cutting him with a scissor made this feel like a slightly more psycho martial arts movie. Shiryu isn‘t afraid to spin kick you in the face or 619 you from odd angles. Also the frying pan shots may have looked more painful than the barbedwire bat, and Shiryu took some really nasty bumps. Really really fun match largely thanks to Shiryu.

GENTARO vs. DAISUKE, Mr. Gannosuke Produce 12/9/2010

Complete GENTARO show. Daisuke is perfectly average, but Gentaro does just one neat thing after another in this. His matwork was like Dick Murdoch with a touch of Fujiwara. That may sound weird but it was really good. He then proceeded to take DAISUKEs arm apart and bust out some nifty counters. DAISUKE isn‘t great but he has solid offense and sells the arm work very well. Recommended watching just for all the cool shit GENTARO was doing.

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