Sunday, October 30, 2022

Best Of The Velocity Matches #4


Tajiri vs. Chavo Guerrero, Jr., WWE 8/4/2002

One of only two singles matches between them! It‘s really good! The other match between them was also on Velocity a year later! These two mesh insanely well, busting out some slick as hell fast junior exchanges before Chavo goes to town on Tajiris leg. Velocity is really the show you want to check out if you want to see guys working limbs in interesting ways in throwaway matches. I loved Chavo attacking Tajiris leg from the Tarantula (while still selling the effects of the Tarantula!), and all the different Tajiri leg selling bits were great. Tajiri also had a cool spot where he slickly rolled out of the ring to elbow Chavo in the face. I actually liked the ending DQ, as it felt Tajiri was out of options so he opted for a prick move by misting Chavo in the face.

Hardcore Holly vs. Albert, WWE 8/4/2002

These two are sure on an unlikely hot streak of good 4-5 minute matches. This was also cool because they just waffle each other hard. Albert starts with a huge lariat and Holly just chops the hell out of his mammoth chest. Albert drops some HUGE bombs including a massive backbreaker on Holly just comes back chopping him and hitting his amazing dropkick. No matter the match, Holly IS gonna chop you really hard and dropkick you in the face, the guy only had one mode. We get a choice nearfall and fiery stoic babyface Holly too, so yes this match is a real winner in my book!

John Cena vs. D-Von Dudley, WWE 8/13/2002

JOHN CENA ROOKIE BEATDOWN!! Rookie Cena just does so many things that feel like him but also unlike him. Like he wasn‘t quite there yet when he hit a big crossbody and followed with a huge leaping forearm, it felt a bit like watching the GAEA version of Meiko Satomura (just.. you know… not quite as intense). And Devon really leathers Cena with right hands and super snug clotheslines. Cena has an absurdly athletic dropkick and leap from the corner. HUGE moment where Devon hits a 2nd rope neckbreaker and drags Cena way into the middle of the ring. Rating for this match: FASCINATING.

Mike Awesome vs. Mark Henry, WWE 8/20/2002


Yeah, Mike Awesome vs. Mark Henry! Awesome was looking rough in 2002, but he wasn‘t afraid to trade bombs with a monster. This was just two huge guys crushing each other for 3-4 minutes with both of them taking some huge bumps and spots. Awesome gets press slammed straight to the ceiling, Henry does his awesome leapfrog, absolutely gigantic big splash from the top from Awesome etc. This had it all.

Tajiri vs. Funaki, WWE 8/20/2002

This was also 3 or 4 minutes and absolutely ruled. The crowd is iffy on these two since they don‘t really want to boo Tajiri against Funaki, so they just hit a bunch of cool shit while Tajiri does amusing high pitched yelling and stereotypical jokes (he gets Funaki to bow so he can kick him in the face!) to add some character. The cool shit was really fucking cool, usually 3 minute spotfest means guys hitting a bunch of dives and big moves, but these two do a bunch of slick arm drags and cool technical reversals and its awesome. LOVED Funaki countering the Tarantula and then teasing to put Tajiri himself in the hold. That alone would have made this an awesome match but everything else was cool as hell too.

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