Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Scotty 2 Hotty Matches

Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Chavo Guerrero, Jr., WWF 7/22/2001

I really like Scotty 2 Hotty. He was slick, he had good worked punches, great timing and the dance moves are awesome. What more do you want a wrestler to have? Add in the fact that he was almost never given more than a few minutes in singles matches and you have a wrestler with a great portfolio of 3-4 minute TV sprints. And Chavo always busts his ass, so they have an awesome 6-7 minute match on this random HEAT episode. I really wish we could have gotten Chavo Jr. vs. Otani in their primes but Chavo Jr. vs. Scotty is the next best thing. Scotty looks great sliding underneath Chavo really fast, landing on his feet, hitting a great punch on the floor... Chavo always mixes so much high end shit into these short throwaway matches. In this case his springboard moves were awesome. They do a few great cutoffs and some big nearfalls, plus a classic Japanese big move finish. What more do you want?

Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Tajiri, WWF 7/2/2001

Tajiri is another short TV match king and this was basically a get-your-shit in 3 minute sprint with a few dandy moments. Scotty always does different cool things in his matches, talk about knowing how to keep your act fresh. In this case he hits some really fast elbow drops, a great spinning suplex, great superkick, big powerbomb counter, a slick re-entry flip into the ring etc. The finish was brilliant as Scotty gets ready to hit the Worm but Tajiri mists him in the face, in a clash of the coolest WWF moves of the early 2000s. It was like the 3 minute RAW match equivalent of Kobashi slipping out of the Emerald Frosion to hit the Burning Hammer.

Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Tajiri, WWF 1/29/2002

The rematch that also only goes 3 minutes! Man, can you imagine these two being given a proper stretched out 7 or 8 minute match?? This was a breathless sprint and there were some absolutely awesome slick spots. Obviously Tajiri is great with his kicks and smooth moves, but Scotty shows he can hang. Scotty has no problem working a knuckle lock and then dropkicking Tajiri right in the face, or working complicated reversal segments. The finish was absolutely awesome with both guys doing counter after counter, Tajiri having the slickest most awesome Tarantula set up you've ever seen etc. Amazing shit.

Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Dean Malenko, WWF 4/30/2000

Widely considered to be Scottys best match, probably because this one goes over 10 minutes and actually was on a PPV. Some commenters may argue that this was because of Dean, but really, Scotty is the heart and soul of this thing. He opens as a hóuse on fire throwing a wad of punches at Dean, working a fast segment with some cool counters before Dean starts cutting off his leg. Leg work was solid with Scotty making nice comebacks but if you've seen a few Scotty matches you know he was capable of more. The WORM after all the legwork was a bit iffy but what the hell, don't question the magic of something the crowd loved this much. Scottys fire is awesome and Dean just gives nothing. Really solid match with a great random finish.

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