Friday, December 23, 2022

E-Cosmos: Kansai vs. Style-E 2/21/2010

Yosuke Takii & Kabuki Kid vs. Yutaka & Dyna-Mido

Fun indy opener. Takii is always cool to see and he really palmed and kicked the hell out of Dyna-Mido. Dyna was fun as a plucky young guy with a simple moveset, and Yutaka had a cool hot tag busting out a big headscissor and nasty face dropkick. Kabuki Kid wasn’t much at all but didn’t drag things down. This was short enough and had a good pace to leave you with just enough before you got tired.

Yuki Tanaka vs. Kyosuke Sasaki

Sasaki was doing a face painted gimmick with one glove on his hand and part of a heel faction. A cool match in theory as both these guys have kickpads and aren’t afraid to hit hard, but it was pretty short and to add to that the match had a run in, even though Tanaka quickly unmasked the guy and threw him out. It felt like wasted potential.

Masato Shibata vs. Shigehiro Irie

Young Irie is so low on the totem pole he gets almost squashed Shibata. This had some good chunky boys forearming each other hard and crashing into each other with their blubber stuff and Shibata has some nice gnarly offense, stiff Vader Hammers and huge suplex that Irie bumps big for, but I wanted a bit more. As a 6 minute big boy sprint it was pretty good though.

Kazuhiro Tamura & Masashi Takeda vs. Masanori Ishikura & Takaku Fuke

This was more like it. A slick shooty indy tag with plenty of fun smooth mat scrambles. It’s too bad we don’t see Ishikura much because the guy is really good and can hang with a pair of Tamura trainees on the mat no problem. I’m usually down on Fuke but he had his working boots on and let his opponents look really good. Takeda looked really good here, it’s regrettable he didn’t do clean wrestling more often because his knee strikes and suplexes are fantastic. The ending with Ishikura and Tamura wailing away at each other with Ishikura clocking Tamura with nasty headbutts was hard as all hell. Really enjoyable fast paced match, absolutely worth watching.

Tadanobu Fujisawa & Shoichi Uchida vs. Choun Shiryu & Ken Ohka

This had a lot of zany heel stuff and run ins from heel faction on Shiryu/Ohkas side. It was effective but it prevented much wrestling from happening. Heel antics aside Shiryu was awesome here as usual and probably salvaged the match with his brilliant kicks. The guy is just too cool flying into the scene to Kung Fu kick people in the face and hit odd 619s. His brief exchange with Uchida was really cool and I bet a 7 minute match between the two would be absolutely dynamite. Uchida brings some cool touches, I really liked his Oklahoma Stampede where he cleared the other guy off the apron, his big emerald fusion and dropkick to the back of the head etc. I was hoping to see Fujisawa kick some ass but he barely got to do anything although he did hit his awesome looking knee at one point. Ohka was pretty much a big nothing aside from his kooky getup. It was still a good match with Uchida and Shiryu being absolutely worth seeing.

The Library

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