Thursday, December 15, 2022

The World of World Japan


Masahiko Kochi vs. Takashi Uwano, WJ 7/20/2003

This was a black trunks rookie match and a really nice one. I think Kochi has been wrestling since 1994 and Uwano since 1998, so both of them having to be black trunks rookies in WJ is kind of funny, but these two could put on one hell of a match. Really nice arm control stuff early on before they settle into punishing each other. Kochi was awesome here, absolutely lighting up Uwano with stiff kicks, he had this huge spinning wheel kick that felt bigger and cooler than probably anything else on this card. I also loved his big bulldog. Uwano had some great big lanky guy STOs and I loved the build towards the German Suplex and half crab in the last couple minutes. Matches like this really remind you how important slower more measured matches are, really makes you appreciate each basic move and the sense of both guys beating the shit out of each other was there without turning into some kind of exhibition.

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Takashi Uwano, WJ 3/1/2003


Basic opening match upgraded with insane stiffness, both these guys were just swinging hard at each other. You know Ishii can bring it in a stiff fest, but Uwano looked really good kneeing him in the face and stomping on his head. Uwanos big STO and German Suplex were great once again. Absolutely sick punch-out finish with both guys bleeding hardway from the blows. Sometimes, you want to watch something like this. Hey, why didn't they make Ishii wear black trunks?

Yoji Anjoh vs. Tomohiro Ishii, WJ 3/15/2003

Two guys with odd charisma who are great at wailing on guys, wailing on each other hard. This was a great 8 minutes. Anjoh has a shaven head and goatee here and looks kind of schlubby, but man he could just destroy a guy. A lot of wrestlers struggle to have 2 or 3 good looking hits but Anjoh just does so much different stuff, knees to the face, elbows, punches, fist drops, from so many different angles and it all looks like he’s destroying Ishii. Ishii is of course really game to get hit, bump big and potatoe Anjoh with strikes of his own including flush punching him in the face. The finish was a flash but it looked fucking brutal. I can get that ending may have come quickly, but why have I not heard about this matchup before? Super warm recommendation for this one.

Yoshiaki Yatsu vs. Yoji Anjoh, WJ 3/1/2003

Cool match between two old guys who still had a lot in the tank in 2003. Anjohs punches and strikes just look awesome and Yatsu is so fun and spry here, really explosive throws and dropkicks and not afraid to hit Anjoh in the face.. There is some cool arm attack stuff by Anjoh and I loved the finish. I wish some promotion had done more with these two than just give them undercard stuff because their stuff still looked better than almost everyone elses.

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