Wednesday, March 8, 2023

More 70s Euro Stuff


Alan Woods vs. Vic Faulkner, WoS 9/13/1976

This starts all fun and games with some smooth mat wrestling and then gets intense as fuck when Woods starts tearing up Faulkners leg and not letting up. Rarely do you see a face get torqued like that for an extended period in WoS. I loved how Woods got all these heel reactions despite never even acknowledging the crowd and not doing any exaggerated facial expressions, he was just being an asshole and they immediately took to hating him for it. That kind of performance is a serious breath of fresh air compared to todays scenery-chewing heels. Faulkner using more shoot-like wrestling holds like a quarter nelson to defend himself from Woods takedowns was great too. Loved the fighting after the bell, too. Best match built around single leg takedowns that you’ll ever see?


Reverend Mike Brooks vs. Johnny Peters, WoS 8/30/1975

It’s the wrestling priest Mike Brooks, hell yeah. It says a lot about how good the British scene was in the 1970s that even two no names could produce a fun technical contests. Lots of neat holds and escapes. Peters was surely looking while Brooks looked like just a guy which was funny. Some unorthodox leg work from Brooks, and he had some cool escapes from Peters backbreaker holds. There was this awesome bit where Brooks had a short arm scissor on Peters leading to Peters bellying down and Brooks angling for his arm using the foot to turn it into a pin attempt, awesome stuff. At no point did they attempt to garner heat making this feel like a very wrestling as a serious sport type contest. Meaning there were some parts that may seem flat to the viewer but I didn’t mind. Cool stuff.

Angelito vs. Albert Sanniez, France 2/19/1977

This was the last 8 minutes of a time limit draw. Too bad about the JIP because what we got was really sweet. Sanniez was working as a rudo at this point but they worked this technico vs. Technico. Some super classy shit that blended the lines between French style wrestling and lucha libre. Really impressive, there was even a sunset flip to the outside. Sanniez busting out his technico tricks was so cool. Check this out if you want to give your brain some cool stuff.

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