Sunday, September 24, 2023

Mutoha Customer Reviews #3


Yasushi Sato vs. Hideya Iso, Mutoha 5/21/2017

Another awesome Yasushi Sato singles, what are the odds? What rules about this is that it’s two grimy little guys with amateur backgrounds. It’s like Honda vs. Honda. They start with 10 minutes of grappling and it’s really good, I loved all the takedowns, and the teasing of the suplexes. Sato catches Iso in a nasty armlock stretching his fingers and wrist, and quickly starts decimating him with his cool suplexes and Russian Leg Sweeps. Iso counters a Sato attempted suplex with an amazing rolling leg lock and it’s on. Isos more traditional moveset makes for a nice contrast against Satos weird grapevine moves and rough tactics. I love how Sato uses the Russian Leg Sweep so much, it’s a really cool equalizer when he grapevines the leg and drops his opponent out of nowhere. There’s an awesome sequence built around Iso trying to counter the dreaded Russian, and the finish is great. Iso is a really cool character as he’s old and doesn’t look like much but can always catch you with a technical move, and it makes for a super fun match up against Sato. Great stuff, another gem.

GENTARO vs. Yasushi Sato, Mutoha 3/19/2022

20 minutes of insanely fun, inventive technical matwork between two guys who are close to maestros. Tons of freaky pin attempts, and there was one short arm scissor battle that was amazing. It says a lot about how good these two are that they can do something fresh and cool with such an ancient hold. Both guys getting frustrated and entangling each other in the ropes was really fun, too. I was expecting some russian leg sweeps from Sato, but he just stuck to being a master of the cradle here. It seems GENTARO injured his leg for real about 20 minutes in so they just did a quick finish, but it was a good finish. As technical and eccentric as the rest of the match.

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