Saturday, December 23, 2023

Hanako Nakamori Matches


Hanako Nakamori vs Arisa Nakajima, JWP 10/26/2014

Hanako Nakamori has been uploading some cool matches to her channel. This was beastly, basically your typical joshi match upgraded with some insane stiffness. Nakamori looked great here punting the fuck out of Nakajima with disgusting kicks over and over. I also really liked her Takeshi Ono-esque submission where she tied up Nakajima really fast. Nakajima annoyed me a bit early on somewhat no-selling Nakamori, but other than that she was fine and fired back against Nakajimas kick onslaught. She put some nice viciousness in her stomps, including a nasty face wash, and had some brutal elbows. At one point she grabbed Nakamoris head and just waffled her with open hand strikes. Highlights include an absolutely disgusting punt kick that cracked Nakajimas nose, a big spot where they both punched each other in the face, Nakajima rattling Nakamori with a big face stomp of her own, an insane spot where Nakamori hits a backwards headbutt to Nakajimas face. I also like that they stayed under 15 minutes really giving you just the right dose. Nakajimas comebacks were actually well timed and believable. I just love a big match with this level of insane strikes.

Hanako Nakamori vs Leon, JWP 10/10/2011

These two had another match in 2011 which was really great, this was a few months later, and also really damn great. This was a hell of a lot more hatefilled, as they start out brawling right away, and they keep working the match with a ton of palpable disdain for each other. Nakamori has transformed into a kick padded slug machine and she was kicking the living hell out of Leon here. I’ve never noticed Leon as a hard hitter before but she came back hard against Nakamoris onslaught, connecting with some pretty violent knees and kicks of her own, really making sure to give her a taste of her own medicine. There was this moment where they both slapped the taste out of each others mouths with Leon almost cracking Nakamoris jaw as she came charging back, and a totally uncalled for headbutt to the back of the head during the finishing stretch. Leon is this really graceful wrestler, who makes cool use of her spear and has a really big dive and cool ways to build to her back submissions. Those were some very cool bits of graceful wrestling in the middle of such a violent slugfest. It reminded me a bit of Otani/Orihara, it’s not often you see this kind of junior wrestling mixed with such hatred and face shattering kicks and stubbornness. After some stubborn back and forth early the second half of the match was just an epic struggle. Joshi often feels like transitions can happen at random, that wasn’t the case here as both of them did a great job fighting back to control and cutting each other off in nasty ways. Nakamoris face kicks were and I dug how she makes use of the Brock Lock. Match got a bit overkillish but then again it was a rematch of a pretty big match earlier that year. Tremendous stuff regardless, I cannot commend these two enough.

Hanako Nakamori & Tomoko Mori vs Leon & Neko Nitta, JWP 3/10/2013

The dynamic between Nakamori and Leon holds up well. These two are just awesome together. I really dig Leon with her quickness, use of the spear and cool submissions, and she is great at getting kicked really hard by Nakamori. The other two wrestlers in the match were cool oddities to check out. Joshi is full of random names that just fly under the radar. I’ve never heard or seen of Tomoko Mori but apparently she has been around since 2001 being trained by Kaoru Ito. She was a pretty solid wrestler and in the second half of the match busted out some cool STOs and a really sweet judo supex. Nitta apparently made her wrestling debut at the age of 32 and she is doing a cat girl gimmick having a tail. The tail being pulled is an amusing heel spot and her spinning tail attack that caught her opponent in the face was pretty nifty. Other than that she moved very well around the ring and didn’t do any comedy aside from comical amounts of nya, I also liked her big spin senton, so I was perfectly fine with this Neko Nitta. This was brisk tag team action and with the combination of the great Nakamori/Leon dynamic and two odd unique fun wrestlers made for a really cool match overall.

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