Sunday, December 3, 2023

You can Always Watch Random Lucha Libre


Shu el Guerrero/Ultimo Guerrero/Guerrero de la Muerte vs Ultraman/Olimpico/Sendero (CMLL 3/13/98)

20 minutes of seamless, beautifully executed lucha libre. Gotta love how 1997-1998 just about everyone had their working boots on and was having awesome matches weekly. I mean I’ve never heard anyone praise Guerrero de la Muerte, but Guerrero de la Muerte looked like a fucking workhorse in this. Whole rudo team was awesome but he really went the extra mile, working some spectacular segments with Olimpico, really making sure to make his opponent look like a million bucks, then turning around, kicking ass and punching people in the face, before bumping even bigger and finally just ripping a guys mask off in a perfectly timed moment. Shu is always super enjoyable to watch bumping, puffing his chest, locking on weird submissions. They were already going hard in the first fall, culminating with a beautiful double dive from Olimpico and Ultraman. Apparently Sendero is a luchador from Peru and while he didn’t do anything super outstanding he was fun to see. The rudo beatdown was just tremendous, with all 3 guys always keeping things interesting. Ultimo Guerrero even managed to hit a cool dive fake in assholeish fashion. Pretty hot 3rd fall. Sometimes, you just want to watch some good lucha libre.

Guerrero de la Muerte/El Arkangel vs Tigre Universario/Metalico (CMLL May 8th, 1993)

Really good, intense match for a bunch of undercarders. I checked this out for more Guerrero de la Muerte (who knows, it might not even be the same guy as in the 1998 match), but the Arkangel/Metalico matwork stood out. Both guys wrestled wrestled like they had something to prove. Hard resistance on leg trips etc, and gnarly throws interspersed with the grappling. I love when guys hit out of nowhere throws while exchanging holds and Arkangel absolutely drilled him with a huge rock bottom here. Guerrero then ate a spinebuster from Tigre which he sold as if it had given him a concussion. The rudos then proceeded to work a sneaky cut off which I loved. 2nd fall was super unpredictable as they kept mixing up rudo beatdown and beautiful technico shine segments. Muerte didn’t do much in terms of wrestling but I really like how he always knows to time that right hand perfectly. LOVED the callback to the first fall when Muerte ate another devastating spinebuster. Rudos letting Tigre fly into nowhere and then finishing with a huge doomsday device was also quite the power move. Badass little match where they made everything count.

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