Friday, April 26, 2024

Keita Yano Documentation #6

Keita Yano vs Roberto Tanaka, Ice Ribbon 3/10/2008 - GREAT

It's very early no-ring Keita. Say what you will about Emi Sakura, but she gave Keita the chance to explore this unique avenue of pro wrestling very early on. Roberto Tanaka apparently would go on to become Ultimate Spider Jr. (I am not sure there is an Ultimate Spider Sr.). Tanaka was a kick padded indy worker here which is just fine. He looked like a competent pro wrestler and had no problem going at it with Keita in a Keita style match. Some nice matwork early on, with Keita who at this point was a BattlARTS guy already dabbling into llaves and WoS type grappling, but also keeping that shootstyle in it. Tanaka gets stretched a lot, but also looked talented. He had a very nice takeover, and I really liked how he countered Keitas bridging chokehold. Tanaka has some hard kicks, really brains Keita in the head at one point, and nice dropkicks, including one where he flies off a chair which is a high spot in this small office space. Last 5 minutes are really awesome with both guys throwing vicious strikes and trying to submit each other. I was impressed they kept a solid pace for 15 minutes, even knowing Keita can be really great without a ring the stuff they did here put most other wrestlers to shame. Great match leaning slightly towards EPIC even which I did not expect coming in but holy fuck the last minutes of strike exchanges were great, Keita was beastly here clocking Tanakas jaw with european uppercuts and at one point just jumping on him and raining punches.

Keita Yano vs Ultimate Spider Jr, Wallabee 12/28/2014 - FUN

Another round of Keita magic in the Cerberus Dojo. His opponent, Ultimate Spider Jr was game to get torn up by Yanos llaves, but did not add much to the match up to that point. Yano domating a guy on the ground is always fun. Spider came a bit into his own a bit when he started fouling Yano and beating on him with pylons. Yano retaliated with a huge tope from the mat into the rows of the crowd. Instead of continueing the match in that spicier direction they settled for regular indy style ending run including Yano going for a tornado DDT off of the strength training equipment. Very fun match but I thought Spider Jr. didn't deliver much special and while Yano was good it did not quite stray into that realm of madness that makes a Cerberus Dojo classic.

Keita Yano Documentation Project

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