Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Speed of Sounds Produce 10/18/2009

Taro Nohashi vs Yuki Sato

This was a no-ring show in a cool disco-like environment. Not having a ring often brings the best out of talented wrestlers because they are forced to break out of their formula, and it makes things just feel a bit more reckless. And these two are pretty talented. They do a nice job working a basic indy undercard match with some good matwork, plausible no-ring lucharesu exchanges and Nohashi doing an 80s NWA studio match style working over Satos arm. Because there's only a tin mat even basic moves like a body slam or drop toe hold look devastating. Sato having to improvize in order to do high flying is a lot of fun and them clocking each other with stiffffff headbutts is what you sickos want out of a match like this. Nohashi at one point hit a jumping kick that was pretty amazing. This was exactly what you want your odd no ring indy show opening match to be.

Koryuki vs CHANGO vs Jumping Kid Okimoto

This was not what you want to see. Koryuki is some character who can't wrestle because of his super elaborate mask, then his elaborate mask gets partially removed but he still can't wrestle. The comedy was ass and the attempts at wrestling were lazy and uninspired. You want no second of this.

Gota Ihashi & HARASHIMA vs Masato Inaba & Toru Owashi

Standard light hearted DDT undercard tag that wasn't any good, really. For a no ring match to be good you need to bring some good matwork and/or striking and maybe a willingness to be insane and nobody here was delivering that. Gota Ihashi was the one guy who seemed to care a little and laid it, and he's supposed to be a joke.

Takuya Sugawara vs Kinya Oyanagi

 Kinya Oyanagi was a mighty decent wrestler and him being in a singles match is always a reason to check out a show. Sugawara was a pretty decent wrestler too, which along with guys like Nohashi and Minamino being there makes me wonder if the later Toryumon generations were actually better. This match was lots of groundwork, nice mix of basic stuff and the cool shit that Oyanagi does, so exactly what you want. Some swank counters and Sugawara while clearly less skillful had a few neat moves of his own, and stuck to a gameplan of attacking Oyanagis legs which lead to Oyanagi in counter attacking his arm and neat moments insure, such as Sugawara taking a painful looking kick to the shoulder while trying to lock in a figure 4. Aside from the matwork Oyanagi busted out this awesome jumping enzuigiri to a seated Sugawara. Smart match and a testament to how good wrestling can be without ropes and buckles.

Kota Ibushi & Hercules Senga & Tsutomu Oosugi vs Shu Sato & Kei Sato & Ken 45

Brahman Brothers are a really good pair of rudos in this environment. They will kick people in the face, act unhinged and stooge very well. That along with the Speed of Sounds smooth lucharesu stuff makes this a really fun match. Add in Ibushi and his tendency to lunatic stuff when placed in unusal environment and you get something good. Busting out a kendostick was unexpected and all the double team moves looked great and coupled with the brawling made the match feel more chaotic. And Ibushi bouncing around and doing crazy stuff was off the charts. This was the kinda shit you could put on a mixtape to showcase how cool pro wrestling can be, just a lot of cool shit per minute, very clear face and heel roles and with a unique twist to it. They really should have kept running shows in that disco.

The Library

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