Friday, August 23, 2024

More Twitcasting Era Sportiva

 Kazuhiro Tamura & Yusaku Ito vs 801 Kenichi & Michio Kageyama, Sportiva 6/12/2019

WOW! Absolute workhorse performance from Tamura. See I really like Sportiva matches where the guys have their working boots on. They really nail that studio TV match feel stylized to japanese wrestling where they have nifty match with few moves and working more neat touches into their exchanges. Everybody had their working boots on here, but Tamura was off the charts. He busts out a nice mat section with Kageyama. Then he gets some decent exchanges out of 801 Kenichi. Finally he does some really nice work working a body part by kicking the crap out of Kenichis shoulder and arm in painful ways. And after all that, he gets a finishing stretch out of Kenichi where Kenichi actually gets to add cool touches as they work some choice counters with Kenichi trying to turn Tamuras arm attacks into throws and slams. Considering how dull Kenichi usually is that is truly a monumental carryjob. And it wasn’t just ‘ok’ it was legit good! Kenichi turning Tamuras flying armbar attempt into a firemans carry was legit great and so were Tamuras counters to the chokebomb attempt. They actually built to Kenichis stuff as Tamura kept cutting off his comeback attempts down the stretch until Kenichi was finally able to hit it. So even a basic gutwrench suplex or lariat felt huge. Excellent stuff from Tamura. Everybody else was good do – I particularily liked Kageyamas hot tag that featured a great looking DDT and a reckless dragon screw – but Tamura owned the match. Fine fine piece of workmanship.

Hiroaki Ura & Toru Sugiura vs 801 Kenichi & Michio Kageyama, Sportiva 6/19/2019

Another very good Sportiva tag, that little sportsbar was cooking June 2019. Right at the go we get a great exchange between Sugiura and Kenichi that veered into shooty territory. Kenichi actually looks good for a change as he sweeps Sugiura off his feet to deliver some hefty looking hands before Sugiura gets back it him trying to kick his head off. Fuck, was Kenichi actually getting good that month?! He was still limited in what he actually could do, but actually energetic in what he did. Sugiura also had his working boots on which is always fun. Then Ura gets reminded that he’s still a young boy as he can’t get Kageyama up for a bodyslam then gets a beatdown. The subsequent middle proportion is good as all these guys really have their stuff down pat. Then we get a very good finish as Ura struggles hard to overcome Kenichi. Kenichi works in that role as a big block for Ura to overcome and Uras struggle is worth while. I loved how Ura get a desperation leglock on Kenichi and started beating away at his leg with fists in frustration when Kenichi made the ropes. Kenichi also dumps him with nasty suplexes that actually look good. Nice stuff and actually got me kinda excited for their singles match the following week.

Hiroaki Ura vs 801 Kenichi, Sportiva 6/26/2019

The follow up match to last weeks battle! Can 801 Kenichi keep it up and finally deliver? Well.. not really. He’s still rather limited. But, he headbutts Ura really hard during the opening exchanges and then serves as a massive block for Ura to overcome, and that is fine enough. Ura is great here, tons of fire, coming at Kenichi hard, trying to take out his leg… initially Kenichi blows off the leg attack but later his leg gives out anyway so that was pretty cool. Exciting match because I am into following Uras trajectory. He is getting to that point where he is now starting to incooperate new things, surviving more punishment than before but also getting dropped harder by Kenichis germans. It’s a cool journey to follow and it’s got me hooked.

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