Friday, April 30, 2021

IWA Japan CRAZY CIRCUS 6/24/1998

 Yoshiya Yamashita & Yuji Kito vs. Hidetomo Egawa & Hiroki Araiwa

About 2 minutes of a bunch of black trunks rookies punishing each other with slaps and tight holds. Yamashita is the most experienced so he gets to wear green trunks and pick up the victory with a northern lights suplex.

Chikaru vs. Sachie Nishibori

10 minute match clipped down to about 3 minutes of spots. Chiharu is an SPWF idol girl and always looks pretty untrained. Her form is really off. Nishibori looks good and picks up the win with a completely botched pin combo.

Akinori Tsukioka & Takeshi Sato vs. Asian Cougar & Tortuga

The IWA Japan equivalent of a WCWSN lucha matches. Just these guys rolling out highspots for 7 or so minutes, with enough stiffness sprinkled in to make me give a shit. Tsukioka hits a moonsault to the floor on a prone Asian Cougar who is covered with chairs. Cougar hits all his brutal leg drops and takes the cake with an absurd tope con hilo. Sato kicks hard and dumps people with suplexes. And even Tortuga potatoed somebody with a stiff low kick at one point. All was right in the world.

Masao Orihara vs. Great Takeru

This was an utterly insane, blood drenched spectacle. Orihara looked really great here, taking one of the craziest bumps I've ever seen, and ripping Takeru's mask and kicking him in the face, and generally doing a massive feat holding this together. His selling was fucking crazy too as he was selling the blood in a way that you fought someone was really about to die here. Match also had a bunch of awkward painful high end junior offense, stiff powerbombs and neck compressing suplexes and all that.

Keizo Matsuda & Katsumi Hirano vs. Freddy Krueger & Ichiro Yaguchi

This was very clipped down. There was blood and some brawling. My one complaint is they didn't clip it down enough.

Sayuri Okino vs. Emi Motokawa

I don‘t think I‘ve seen Okino in a singles match before. Judging by her perfomance in this match, she is a pretty limited and sloppy worker. This had some moments but was probably the weakest Emi singles match so far.

Great Kabuki & Yoshiaki Yatsu vs. Shigeo Okumura & Keisuke Yamada

Yatsu and Kabuki join forces! This was 19 minutes clipped down to 10. As a result the match felt fast paced but a little lacking in calories, if you catch my drift. Yatsu did his thing and Yamada and Kabuki beating on each other was fun. Okumura was involved in the finish and he isn‘t as cool, although I loved Kabuki thrust kicking his jaw out.



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