Saturday, May 1, 2021

Koki Kitahara Documentation Project #9


Koki Kitahara vs. Masahito Kakihara, WAR 7/21/1996 - GREAT

Kakihara at the time was kind of UWFis budding young hope and raking in wins over guys like Kensuke Sasaki, so it was fun watching Kitahara teach him a lesson here. For some reason the UWFi boys except Sakurabas weren‘t strong matworkers and Kitahara does a cool job containing Kakiharas youthful aggression and countering him. Of course, as soon as Kitahara gets the advantage he almost boots Kakiharas head off. Finish was pretty great as Kakihara went on another juvenile attack only for Kitahara to doge him and unload with an eardrum shattering smack before catching Kakiharas retort kick with a badass ankle capture.

Koki Kitahara & Yuji Yasuraoka vs. Masaaki Mochizuki & Arashi, WAR 10/11/1996 - GREAT

This was a clipped match which is annoying as the stuff that is shown looks really good. Tons of brutally stiff blows. The match was centered around the Kitahara/Mochizuki interactions. Mochizuki is Kitahara's boy, which means Kitahara is legally obliged to murder him, which the crowd also senses. Yasuraoka mostly gets kicked in the face, but busts out his really spectacular dive in an awesome moment right after Mochizuki blows his fancy springboard attack and gets mauled by Kitahara for it. Even Arashi busts out a reckless spinkick in this! WAR was a magical place.

Kazuo Yamazaki & Takashi Iizuka vs Koki Kitahara & Nobutaka Araya, WAR 12/13/1996 - GREAT

I like Araya a ton, but this was all about Kitahara being a violent punk. Interpromotional matches is where the man thrives as they supply the perfect environment for him to punch people in the jaw, stomp faces and generally act like a jerk. I was pleased that he got to be competitive with Yamazaki, too, who carried himself like a star in this (although I would‘ve liked him to do more shooty stuff).



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