Saturday, January 1, 2022

A very GAJO new year!

  GAJO vs. Takahiro Tababa, 2018/7/8

Simplistic, insanely violent, gory match, which resembled a mix of early 2000s NJPW, FUTEN, CAPTURE, EXIT and an especially brutal sparring session. If that description isn't enough to sway you into watching this, both these guys are thickly built and pissed off. GAJO violently shoving Tababa into the corner to start was a nice basic opening. Tababa then dodged him and went to town beating the soul out of him with gross kicks, a big double stomps and punches to the skull. Gajo is busted open but comes back taking down Tababa and busts him open with some sick elbows to the head. Wonder why you don't see those more often. The spear spots in this match were brutal and made me think I was watching the worlds most violent Goldberg match. Just as Gajo was trying to decapitate Tababa with lariats I was wondering how the match could get more violent, and then a crazy bump into the chains/wall happened. This was just barbaric but well executed, didn't get boring, had credible transitions and an arc, never did I think I was watching two backyarders engage in a senseless gross out spectacle, while it retained that sense of chaotic brutality. Genuinely great match, thank to Ohtanis Jacket and his wife for helping to provide this.

GAJO vs. Takahiro Tababa, IMPACT 11/1/2020

This was not quite as crazy from the get go as the previous match, but it was still about 10 minutes of two thickly built lunatics beating each other to a bloody pulp. Another primitive shootstyle brawl where the fun really started when Tababa connected some nasty headbutts in the corner and GAJO came back opening him with those elbows. Another really violent standoff ensued. There was another sick bump into the wall, and Tababa trying to kill GAJO with gnarly kicks. There was a subtle build to GAJOs spear to add some semblance of psychology to the carnage.

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